New small patch in publicbeta (v194)

Survivalist: Invisible Strain

It's ten years since the infection started. Long-established settlements are collapsing, one by one, for unknown reasons. Survivors are running to the hills to escape, hoping for safety in remote places. As another refugee, you're here to carve out a new life for yourself - by any means necessary.

This is a small follow-up patch to v193 which added [url=]a first pass of Story Mode[/url] to publicbeta. Thanks to everyone who gave me bug reports! Some of them haven't been addressed yet, but this fixes a few crashes that have so far been discovered so I thought I better get it out asap.[list] [*] Tried to make automatic player surrendering more robust during the bit where someone in Story Mode decides you need to be neutralized [*] Fix for Kelly getting stuck in an animation if you try to assassinate her at the beginning [*] Fix for characters going repeatedly into attack state then out again when enemies are visible but inaccessible [*] Fix for characters hovering in mid air for a second after the watchtower they are in explodes [*] Fix for character not shooting a zombie because one of the zombie's former team mates was surrendering [*] Stop characters retreating inside picket gates when attacked [*] Added more outhouses to Tent City [*] Out of sync fix [*] Crash fixes [/list] [h3]What's this [b]publicbeta[/b] thing?[/h3] v194 will be in the "[b]publicbeta[/b]" branch for a while, before pushing it to the main game. If you want to try the latest features as they come out (and help test them!) it's a good idea to start using this branch. But keep in mind:[list][*] Because it's the bleeding edge it could be less stable [*] If you want to be able to play online co-op with someone you'll need to be on the same version as them [*] If you go back from the "[b]publicbeta[/b]" branch to the main branch you may not be able to load savegames created on "[b]publicbeta[/b]".[/list] To use [b]publicbeta[/b], just right-click on Survivalist: Invisible Strain in your Steam library and go to Properties, then Betas and in the drop-down select "publicbeta".