New story mode hotfix patch in publicbeta (v196)

Survivalist: Invisible Strain

It's ten years since the infection started. Long-established settlements are collapsing, one by one, for unknown reasons. Survivors are running to the hills to escape, hoping for safety in remote places. As another refugee, you're here to carve out a new life for yourself - by any means necessary.

This is another small patch to fix some of the bigger issues people have been reporting to me in [url=]story mode[/url], especially some bugs that block quests from progressing. Hopefully I got all of those now, and hopefully the next patch will be about more than just hotfixes, but we'll see... Thanks again for reporting them! Merry Christmas![list] [*] Slightly nerfed the infected raiders who appear after 2 weeks [*] Fix for Ava sometimes never giving you the information in the drinking game, also added more dialog options to make it clearer how to get it (you both need to get drunk) [*] Fixes for Carter Moreno's squad not taking over the Long Patrol base properly [*] Possible fix for Tim Arnold quest not proceeding [*] Fix for dialog not triggering when you enter the cabin [*] Fix for Joe not giving you a key if you threaten him [*] Fix for White Hills Gang not having enough outhouses [*] Fix for backpacks not being auto-worn in mods that have other worn items that increase your carry weight [*] Fix for not being able to get reward for betraying Paul [*] Possible fixes for excessive internal fighting in area gangs [*] Crash fixes [/list] [h3]What's this [b]publicbeta[/b] thing?[/h3] v196 will be in the "[b]publicbeta[/b]" branch for a while, before pushing it to the main game. If you want to try the latest features as they come out (and help test them!) it's a good idea to start using this branch. But keep in mind:[list][*] Because it's the bleeding edge it could be less stable [*] If you want to be able to play online co-op with someone you'll need to be on the same version as them [*] If you go back from the "[b]publicbeta[/b]" branch to the main branch you may not be able to load savegames created on "[b]publicbeta[/b]".[/list] To use [b]publicbeta[/b], just right-click on Survivalist: Invisible Strain in your Steam library and go to Properties, then Betas and in the drop-down select "publicbeta".