New patch in publicbeta (v189)

Survivalist: Invisible Strain

It's ten years since the infection started. Long-established settlements are collapsing, one by one, for unknown reasons. Survivors are running to the hills to escape, hoping for safety in remote places. As another refugee, you're here to carve out a new life for yourself - by any means necessary.

I've released a small-ish update in publicbeta, this one has a few different fixes for vehicle physics, crashing into things and driving vehicles in online co-op, some general fixes for crashes etc, and updated translations. As I mentioned I would in the original [url=]vehicles patch[/url], I've now reinstated sunflowers which you can use to make sunflower oil, and I've changed a few of the larger vehicles to take diesel instead of gasoline, for which you can substitute sunflower oil. Because I like it when items have multiple uses, I've introduce the concept of "frying" with the frying pan. It works similar to boiling in the pot, you can fry ears of corn or eggs (which is better for morale but worse for constitution than boiling them) and you can make omelets. Sunflower seeds are a bit rare and the AI communities won't grow them, but you should be able to find them here in there, especially in gardening stores or I would expect traders to carry them. [list] [*] Reinstated sunflowers, which you can use to grow sunflower seeds and make sunflower oil, which you can use as fuel for diesel vehicles or to make fried eggs/corn/omelettes using the frying pan [*] Updated French, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Latin American Spanish, Lithuanian, Polish, and Russian translations [*] Increased some font sizes [*] Some fixes for vehicle physics [*] Fixes for answers to Who's in charge here? [*] Fix for Organizers who are building multiple fences returning all their resources to a building between each fence post [*] Fix for communities having no name when they take over an empty base [*] Fix for crash sometimes when vehicles go outside map bounds [*] Fix for occasional crash when driving vehicles in co-op [*] Fix for occasional crash when surrendering [/list] [h3]What's this [b]publicbeta[/b] thing?[/h3] v189 will be in the "[b]publicbeta[/b]" branch for a while, before pushing it to the main game. If you want to try the latest features as they come out (and help test them!) it's a good idea to start using this branch. But keep in mind:[list][*] Because it's the bleeding edge it could be less stable [*] If you want to be able to play online co-op with someone you'll need to be on the same version as them [*] If you go back from the "[b]publicbeta[/b]" branch to the main branch you may not be able to load savegames created on "[b]publicbeta[/b]".[/list] To use [b]publicbeta[/b], just right-click on Survivalist: Invisible Strain in your Steam library and go to Properties, then Betas and in the drop-down select "publicbeta".