New game mode "Horde" and awakening of the Cursed ground - a new signal.

War Selection

War Selection is a compelling RTS game featuring base building, resource extraction and warfare. Evolve from a stone age tribe to a distinct industrial nation with unique game mechanics and battle for supremacy with dozens of players on a unique procedurally generated map.

[quote][h3][i]Late autumn drapes the forests in a soft, impenetrable mist, enveloping everything around like a veil. Bright red-orange leaves, like flames carried by the wind, create a carpet on the ground, making every step mysterious and enigmatic. During these days, the ancient magic of the forest awakens. Animals typically seen during the day disappear, giving way to unusual, magical creatures. The shadows of these beings silently make their way to human settlements, bringing with them memories of ancient times. As night falls, villages are illuminated only by the pale light of the moon. The mist that has wrapped the forests also creeps to the graveyards, where ancient shadows begin their silent vigil. They remind of the past, of times when the world was full of magic and mysteries. On these days, even the bravest villagers prefer not to venture outside after dusk, for they know: the [b]Cursed ground[/b] awakens, and it's better not to provoke its wrath.[/i][/h3][/quote] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34645247/421051b861842d3a762ed34d9a700ea2561b6766.gif[/img] [b]Cursed ground[/b] is now available in our game store during this eerie autumn time. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34645247/fd9fb68c2eb5a04024088c79d935d4258952b8e0.png[/img] A new game mode has been introduced in the game. The Horde is not affiliated with the War Selection universe and has its own backstory. The new mode can be played both in single-player mode with bots or in private games with friends. In this new mode, the player takes command of a mighty horde. The objective is simple: achieve victory and survive amidst the raging chaos! The Horde starts its journey with basic swordsmen. But with the acquisition of loot, these fighters, after traversing their path, ultimately reach the peak of their power and become legendary warriors. They can achieve this by destroying both peaceful villages and the units of their enemies. The ever-decreasing game space pushes opponents to an uncompromising clash, making every game uniquely mesmerizing! But are you ready for this madness?