New DLC Q&A - Tell Us What You Think!

Indies' Lies

A roguelike deck-building game where you craft a deck, spark talents, discover runes, and assemble your team with partners' cards! Play unique stories for every character and explore a world caught in the clash of gods. New Puppeteer DLC just released!

Dear Mekaa Adventurers, Since the release of the latest DLC for Indies' Lies, we've received a lot of feedback. We sincerely appreciate your support and attention! Our new DLC, Desires Flowing, represents a fresh experiment for our team, and we’re eager to explore and improve it together with our players. To better address your questions and concerns, we’re opening this space to collect your thoughts so we can respond to them individually. [h3]How to Participate[/h3] Share your impressions, questions, or suggestions about the DLC in the comments section of this post. We will carefully read every comment and do our best to provide answers. [h3]Event Time[/h3] Comment: By 8AM on September 5th UTC Response: September 6th [h3]Rewards[/h3] 3 comments will be chosen to get keys for complete Indies' Lies series so that you could share it with friends! Once again, thank you for your continued support of Indies' Lies. We hope you have a great time with the new DLC! Fun Square Games