DLC Coming on August 29 - Testing Available This Weekend!

Indies' Lies

A roguelike deck-building game where you craft a deck, spark talents, discover runes, and assemble your team with partners' cards! Play unique stories for every character and explore a world caught in the clash of gods. New Puppeteer DLC just released!

[h3]Dear Mekaa adventurers,[/h3] [h3]DLC Coming on August 29[/h3] We've come bearing good news! Development of the new DLC is coming to an end, and we're thrilled to announce that the Desires Flowing DLC will launch August 29th. [previewyoutube=510Xja-hVas;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]DLC Testing Available This Weekend[/h3] We would love to give the Indies' Lies community a taste of the new [Puppeteer] class where you recruit [Followers] to fight for you. We are eager for your feedback and we hope you enjoy the new mechanics! "Desires Flowing" is the first stand-alone gameplay chapter in the "Indies' Lies" series, and we wish to explore the possiblities of deckbuilding with all of you! [list] [*] [b]How to join:[/b] A test branch will be created for the base game, so everyone with Indies' Lies in Steam library will be able to access the DLC testing content [*] [b]Content:[/b] Character[b] [The Nun] [/b]under 20 Taint [*] [b]Duration:[/b] August 15-18 (starts and ends at 7PM Pacific Time) [*] [b]Your Feedback Matters:[/b] Please join us for feedback and discussion on the [url=https://discord.gg/fPcPvfKbCk]official Indies' Lies Discord server[/url] in the #dlc-test channel. [/list] [h3]DLC Full Content Overview[/h3] [list] [*] Puppeteer class and 3 new characters [*] Follower gameplay [*] 100+ Puppeteer cards [*] 30 follower options each with unique abilities [*] 13 new monsters [*] Follower events and Puppeteer adventure stories [*] Stories blended in the adventure mode and adjusted talents [/list] [h3]Wishlist to stay updated![/h3] There will be a 20% launch discount so you don't want to miss it! https://store.steampowered.com/app/3097790/Indies_Lies__Desires_Flowing/