DLC Testing LIVE Now!

Indies' Lies

A roguelike deck-building game where you craft a deck, spark talents, discover runes, and assemble your team with partners' cards! Play unique stories for every character and explore a world caught in the clash of gods. New Puppeteer DLC just released!

[h3]Dear Mekaa adventurers,[/h3] Testing of the new DLC is officially LIVE! We would love to give the Indies' Lies community a taste of the new [Puppeteer] class where you recruit [Followers] to fight for you. We are eager for your feedback and we hope you enjoy the new mechanics! [b]This test will last 72 hours and will conclude at 7PM Pacific time August 18. [/b] [h3]How to Join[/h3] [olist] [*] Make sure Indies' Lies is not running [*] Right click on the game in your Steam Library [*] Click "properties" [*] Click the "BETAS" tab [*] In the dropdown menu, choose "Puppeteer-test" [*] Press close and wait for the game to update [/olist] [h3]Content[/h3] [olist] [*] Play as [b] [The Nun] [/b]under 20 Taint, access to all of her cards [*] 10+ new enemies [*] Access to all features of the new Follower mechanics where you recruit your Followers & groom your team - Select your followers from 30+ options, upgrade them and have them fight by your side. Every puppet has it specific intention in each turn. Here are a few new mechanics in the Follower gameplay[/olist] [list][*] Trigger: Cards with the keyword Trigger can make your puppets execute their intentions additionally within a turn. [*] Brand: Your followers will prioritize attacking the enemies with the most brands. [*] Corrosion: Corrosion will cause damage to the target ignoring it’s armor. There's also "Worship" to offset Corrosion damage. [*] Magic Copper Power: Cards with the keyword Magic Copper Power can endow your followers a powerful and dangerous only-one-turn effect.[/list] [h3]Your Feedback Matters[/h3] Submit bugs or suggestions via [url=https://forms.gle/YEZt9AYbgooihyV4A]this form[/url], Or join us for feedback and discussion on the Steam community hub or [url=https://discord.gg/fPcPvfKbCk]official Indies' Lies Discord server[/url] in the #dlc-test channel! [b]1 player with the most valuable feedback (decided by the dev team) & 1 random player will each get a DLC key upon release![/b] [h3]If you like what you see, wishlist the DLC! [/h3] Releasing on August 29 with a 20% discount! https://store.steampowered.com/app/3097790/Indies_Lies__Desires_Flowing/ Enjoy! Fun Square