Desires Flowing | Story Behind DLC

Indies' Lies

A roguelike deck-building game where you craft a deck, spark talents, discover runes, and assemble your team with partners' cards! Play unique stories for every character and explore a world caught in the clash of gods. New Puppeteer DLC just released!

[h3][b]The Holy Copper Monastery[/b] is an emerging religious sect that worships the new god Indies.[/h3] The notorious assassination organization Bloody Angels, which once had caused havoc in Mekaa, vanished overnight. However, when they were rediscovered hiding in the dark forest at the border between Riverpari and the Grayrock, the world found that those bloodthirsty killers had all transformed into devout religious believers. They recognized the potential of magic copper, however sniffed at the rumbling machinery and the tide of steel. They believed that magic copper is not raw material for industry but a panacea for mankind. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/12e1b5a9113a00dec04e82285bd4c1c25d095e7b.png[/img] [h3]The mysterious leader of the sect, [b]Naga[/b], never revealed her true face.[/h3] Under her mask, she preached, spread the gospel, and cured diseases for the crowd. She rejected payment, asking only them to remember her words: "Miracles’ will follow… if you are willing to pay a price of faith." Countless believers prostrated themselves under her tiara, yearning for even a word of her direct teachings. Although few were honored enough to enjoy such privilege. It's said that those most favored by her could not only hear the secret gospel…… but also receive her direct instruction of the mysterious “Puppetry”! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/1872aeb5d342bf88d452b32c11a5ee06379327d1.png[/img] [h3]There were three of the most outstanding believers in the monastery. [/h3] [b]The devout "Nun"[/b], who saved countless lives and was said to know every letter in the gospel; [b]"Dark Doctor"[/b], the monastery’s surgeon, highly professional in human anatomy; [b]"Blood Rose"[/b], charming yet weird, who would bring doom upon anyone who dared utter her real name. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/501f370558ae83619293b3f41d622dfe573d9b1a.png[/img] [h3]Until one day, Naga mysteriously vanished.[/h3] so was the monastery’s holy relic—a rare piece of magic copper enshrined in the main hall. As one of the outstanding believers, you’ll take on a journey to find Naga and the relic. You are not just a believer of Indies, but also a Puppeteer personally selected and trained by Naga herself. You can decipher the clues left behind by Naga… Moreover, you are hungry for truths about yourself. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/2e0cc3399dafcc317fa821c5d4c6e152bd5cf20b.png[/img]