Desires Flowing DLC Page is Live!

Indies' Lies

A roguelike deck-building game where you craft a deck, spark talents, discover runes, and assemble your team with partners' cards! Play unique stories for every character and explore a world caught in the clash of gods. New Puppeteer DLC just released!

[h3]Dear Mekaa Adventurers,[/h3] After brainstorming and exploring for some time, we are presenting Desires Flowing DLC to you! We are creating this DLC not just to provide a new class option, but a new Follower gameplay, to explore more possibilities of deckbuilding gameplay. Desires Flowing has a unique stand-alone gameplay, where the new class Puppeteers control followers and dead spirits to fight for them. Expanding from the core gameplay of roguelike deckbuilding, players need to choose and manage a team of followers that match their cards, so as to maximize the effects of both the follower abilities and the deck build. As the 2nd DLC, Desires Flowing is a bolder attempt that reveals the dark side of Mekaa. We hope that it gives you a whole new experience different from the existing content. [h3]DLC Content Preview[/h3] [list] [*] Puppeteer class and 3 new characters [*] Follower gameplay [*] 100+ Puppeteer cards [*] 30 follower options each with unique abilities [*] 13 new monsters [*] Follower events and Puppeteer adventure stories [*] Stories blended in the adventure mode and adjusted talents [/list] [b]Desires Flowing DLC page is now live! Add to wishlist to get notified upon launch! There will be a 20% launch discount for early buyers so you don't want to miss it! Right now we're still working on the DLC content. More news will be coming - stay tuned![/b] Salute, Fun Square