Character Guide | Blood Rose Corruption Build

Indies' Lies

A roguelike deck-building game where you craft a deck, spark talents, discover runes, and assemble your team with partners' cards! Play unique stories for every character and explore a world caught in the clash of gods. New Puppeteer DLC just released!

In the Holy Copper Monastery, Isabella is a special being. She is not bound by the rules of the church, often disappearing for months, and not accepting tasks assigned to her by anyone other than the head of the church, Naga. Some say she often shows up around the Golden Water Harbor, dressed as a maid and serving tea; others say they have seen her in the home of one of the generals of the Iron Scraps Kingdom, like a guest of honor; and there are also rumors that she wanders the mass graves along the Liberties, dressed in a black mourning dress, crying and laughing alone at an unmarked tombstone. However, if there's something about Isabella that none of the congregation would deny, it would be that although her personality was extreme, she was so enchanting and unusual that anyone could not help but look at her more often, and had a group of passionate followers in the church. There was a Lord of a big name even openly confessed to her marriage proposal. The congregation thought Isabella will agree. To their surprise, however, the Lord died only one week later. Since then, no one call Isabella by her name. Instead, she's called "Blood Rose" by all. But Isabella herself does not care. Because right at the bottom of her heart, from the very beginning, there is only one person, and he's the exact reason why Isabella chose to join the Holy Copper Monastery. [h2]Starting Position[/h2] The unique card [b]"Pain Belief"[/b] swiftly stacks Magic Copper Power on minions, enhancing Worship, making this zero-cost card highly valuable. Magic Copper Power is the core buff for the corrosion flow's stacking damage. [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/0d4345f2710015419a90f196001b2a593f3ab9cb.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/262de388cf5e550134c04a691e691dacc2008e97.png[/img][/url] The secret card [b]"Crystal of Shelter"[/b] mitigates the side effects of Magic Copper Power, inflicting substantial Corruption Damage on our minions. This card enables minions to withstand more Corruption Damage, facilitating output through Magic Copper Power and accumulating Corruption Damage. When equipped with the "Innate Rune," it is recommended to use it on core minions at the start to reduce early battle health consumption. [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/ed5db35cf21b034d9f5ae389bc2f25e003f306a1.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/6d003cb2ac1701face81cacb3e20131cff409ae0.png[/img][/url] The initial talent [b]"Adaptation"[/b] decreases the health pressure from the side effects of Magic Copper Power, complementing "Crystal of Shelter" to minimize these effects. [h2]Build Idea[/h2] [h3]1. Output[/h3] Blue-Green Card Selection When drawing cards, prioritize those containing Magic Copper Power and activation effects. Below are some recommended high-quality cards [b]"Copper Whip"[/b] not only grants Magic Copper Power but also activation effects, with a multiplicative increase upon repeated use. [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/7ded29d30697b294406b4a60a88ba2a3b1301c87.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/2786236645f06dafeca455e0deaadc708bf49b19.png[/img][/url] “Premature Evolution”,“Benediction of the End”,“Magic Copper Poison”,“Aggression”,all contribute to Magic Copper Power or its activation, boosting Corruption damage. [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/f8c9456f7da75eb618575ec7de40f619ca9229be.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/604b32ac342c525b0f890d15d4ec21b283bd9ede.png[/img][/url] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/70bccf76b941678718fc21bd9301cb552f552e35.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/5d47676dca2e941bf24a59155038fab4294caa3e.png[/img][/url] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/19395e9c5589e1898fbd8bcc2e36a36785388bc8.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/a0ac655d27706ceb7476b9882c7d0f25f3bc65a4.png[/img][/url] Gold Card Selection The essential core card is "Corruption Spread," storing corrosion inflicted on minions and enemies throughout the battle. This card enables concentrated bursts of damage, potentially reaching high instant kill damage of 1000 to 2000 in a single battle. [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/32d09ca2f7c77082baa69809599877f9a980bf38.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/202a05c505d08b8f2a9be02b3d47269438086efb.png[/img][/url] If "Corruption Spread" is unavailable, "Pollution" can be a key card, significantly enhancing the returns from Corruption Damage. [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/ba4476fdf495f7de9704032dcf4c478fba75d869.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/91e82948a87baabffa958dd852131eef2997a79f.png[/img][/url] Other viable gold cards include: Decay Strike, Transmutation Potion, Catalyst, and Accelerated Mutation. [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/6f13d8af641b426adea3497da40ff33a44c6ba4e.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/4d1180a1fd5a6ec54c39d9fac4f4b87275733295.png[/img][/url] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/94a8a237eda6545bae7438b8f55947f885a1ec93.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/13ea9993e44d10f8ce5dfe7d4967f7c324061cca.png[/img][/url] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/42feab97255f0c5685db7adc6c7df3a6027bca57.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/769735f3dcd7584e6f413e1242295562d769d831.png[/img][/url] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/3ecb6e0e38c2a8955c145979c6a5ab6cf55615a6.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/e95bd78197a80bc1460fcd7278fd315856795ba8.png[/img][/url] [h3]2. Defence[/h3] Puppeteer's defensive cards are relatively weak, relying on minions for protection. Prioritize the main body's survival, and consider the following decent defensive cards: "Front Defense" provides Block and Taunt to the front row, shielding the main character from significant damage. "Protect to the Death" grants Taunt to minions, effectively handling monsters targeting the main character. [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/8edb83087dbb1ff2e7f1ebf8330e20a7134feb37.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/2218eabd89aeaa5ccab13b7185793f9ee1eb5a0d.png[/img][/url] "Support" allows minions to absorb damage on behalf of the main character. [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/f542063d355ff7e8cc9fe664995d8b554ac81026.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/7f68fb256fea90397c0856d21987cdc3ee32d082.png[/img][/url] For defensive gold cards, consider using "Revelation," which grants all Block when Worship is gained. When paired with Goblin Priest (Worship increase each turn), this ensures a fixed Block value for the entire team each turn. [h3]3. Loop[/h3] Prioritize cards that facilitate cycling, enabling the rapid return of "Corruption Spread" to the hand through zero-cost cycling cards, leading to multiple instances of massive damage output. [h2]Followe Selection[/h2] 1、The top priority is "Scorched Centurion," a must-have minion that should be upgraded first. Its multi-hit attacks trigger Magic Copper Power multiple times, dealing area damage, and its passive ability "Slave Strike" adds "Magic Copper Whip" to the hand each turn, making it an excellent fit for the corrosion flow. 2、Next in line is "Gunner," whose intent each turn is Corruption Damage, aiding in stacking Corruption Damage for burst output. When Worship is high, Gunslinger's output per turn is substantial. (Gunner's passive ability is also potent) 3、Lastly, consider auxiliary minions such as "Goblin Priest," "Tainted Goblin," "Red Iris Spirit," and "Yellow Forest Fairy." "Tainted Goblin" Taunts each turn, effectively shielding other minions and the main character from harm. "Goblin Priest" grants the main character 1 cost each turn, crucial for Puppeteers without partner recruitment. "Red Iris Spirit" adds 25 Block to the main character each turn, significantly enhancing survival. "Yellow Forest Fairy" adds 15 Block to all each turn, bolstering the team's survival capabilities. [h2]Card Strategy[/h2] [h3]Stage One[/h3] Early game, prioritize obtaining "Scorched Centurion." If unavailable, opt for auxiliary minions as mentioned earlier. Consider acquiring summoning cards to bridge the early game without high-quality minions. Replace attack cards with higher-quality ones. Defensive cards for Puppeteer can wait, as they can provide Magic Copper Power to minions. The following are excellent replacements for basic attack cards: [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/d0a4617e4230fc04fb857ec62b8f4e2ec9ba83be.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/c690a196ebc64b82b41c4caa83cc424e5bedbd73.png[/img][/url] [url={STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/42fe3cdd1cc3726c1f39d28981301d00320309d3.png][img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40652164/098069dfcb2e43a10af27d819de68316fcf42403.png[/img][/url] Runes should be prioritized with "Innate Rune" and "Transmute Rune." "Initiative Rune" should be used on "Crystal of Shelter" to obtain it at the beginning, allowing the core minion to start using Magic Copper Power for output. "Transmute Rune" should be used later on "Corruption Spread" to repeatedly play "Corruption Spread" inflicting high damage. "Magic Copper Power Rune" should be picked when encountered, and can be embedded on cards later to increase the stacking speed of Magic Copper Power. [h3]Stage Two[/h3] In the mid-game, optimize your deck by acquiring Magic Copper Power cards, activation cards, and card-drawing means that your faction requires. Additionally, focus on upgrading your core minions as much as possible to make their intent cards and passive abilities stronger. You can continue to fill in any missing cards at the shop. [h3]Stage Three[/h3] The overall strategy involves giving "Scorched Centurion" the Crystal of Shelter, then using cards that increase Magic Copper Power on "Scorched Centurion" before using "Temporary Magic Copper Whip" to deal massive Corruption Damage to monsters. While dealing damage, the damage of the card "Corruption Spread" also increases continuously due to the increase in Corruption Damage, ultimately leading to a burst of damage to end the battle. [h2]Recommended Talents[/h2] 1. Cursed Luck & Solidification & Alternate Energy As Puppeteer is a profession without partners to increase energy, Curse Connection, Solidification, and Backup Energy provide crucial energy support. 2. Loyal Shield, to enhance the survival ability of the main character. 3. Fastidious Taste, for more stable acquisition of the required minions. 4. Symbiosis, to boost the main character's survival ability. 5. Indies Gift, directly promoting a minion by one star, enabling the faction to take shape earlier.