May 2024 Patch Notes

Sky Link 2

Sky Link 2 is a groundbreaking aerial shooter that gives you unparalleled freedom as you fly powerful Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle's (UCAV's) to unload your arsenal and defeat your opponents.

[h1]Happy June Sky Captains! [/h1] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/5cf2feb549b28ba2d1b55628bd2b6111eef1b775.jpg[/img] Summer’s finally here! It’s time for hotdogs, picnics, and insane drone battles! Lots of updates to share this month, so let’s get to it! [h2][UI ELEMENTS][/h2] First up, the UI we've continued to expand and enhance throughout May. The loading screens and UI will be looked at and further refined in the coming months as well. Many fixes for the UI went in as the Party system was developed throughout May. Another change you're sure to notice, we now have a loading hexagon to confirm the game's about to begin! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/f065fa471fa1033ba1c9683c77675839a700d116.jpg[/img] [h2][PARTY SYSTEM][/h2] The Party System is of paramount importance, as that’s how you’re going to squad up with your friends when you first get in Sky Link. There’s been a lot of work on the chat system in May. To start, names are now displayed correctly on the invite banner. Invites sent now show up as you’d expect. The Mass Invite feature now creates a party when the mass invitation is sent out. We saw one issue where the party would be created without you in it, and that was resolved in May as well. - Changed hit text when chat is open - Removed Scroll bar when chat is in "read only" mode - On Garage screen esc close the chat instantly, it will not show the "read only" mode - Removed SFX from friend button - Fix issue with context menu not closing when pressing other buttons - Added fade out on "in-game" chat - Fix bug that makes social banner invite disappear when playing the banner animation on socials - Fix bug where the name of the player that invited you to a party wouldn't appear when the invite was canceled - Fix notification indicator showing new invite when on tab of invites [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/c7c5bd312f8c2af53c4122bcd2f78ef66f4c2bd6.jpg[/img] [h2][SOUND EFFECTS][/h2] Nothing is more immersive in a game than when the sound is just right. Our sound engineers have been hard at work to see this vision through, and have updated weapon reload sounds to give immediate feedback when you click reload. Blackboxes have been updated to include a sound on spawn as well, so you'll know right where you're needed most! [h2][VISUAL EFFECTS][/h2] Minigun muzzle flash has been updated to better show trajectory and bullet spread. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/b21ccaeb4f0fd0e06dac8a1474e9b412b493ed9e.png[/img] [h2][ADDITIONAL UPDATES][/h2] The default button for Zoom has been changed from Z to V. The Continue Button in the post match screen will now appear as expected! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/9be5b571830e180d607c74596b711e94fe296f78.jpg[/img] Blackbox logic is now handled in blueprints instead of C++, allowing more granular control by our dev team. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/2aeffa65a4cede50b14df97ea10babaab94a52e1.png[/img] Fixes for NPC drones, including corrections to their automatic respawn in Skirmish as well as AI corrections for their behavior. [h3]Friday Playtests[/h3] During our Friday event we do beta testing; learning to master the finer mechanics of flight. Sky Link is difficult to master, though truly easy to pick up and just play. We get together and play to provide balance testing and help shape the future of Sky Link, and it’d be awesome if you could stop by and check it out! Join the Sky Link discord here: The event is live streamed on YouTube, and you can check out past and future events here: [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/ecf8a6ceeb598ad4904cf617ab446f7017a7855e.jpg[/img]