January 2024 Patch Notes

Sky Link 2

Sky Link 2 is a groundbreaking aerial shooter that gives you unparalleled freedom as you fly powerful Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle's (UCAV's) to unload your arsenal and defeat your opponents.

[h2] Welcome Sky Captains! [/h2] With January behind us it's time to go over all the new updates and changes in Sky Link: Freefire. [h2]Garage[/h2] Working out the issues in the UI while in the garage and getting everything perfect has been a primary focus throughout January. The hitboxes for the drones have been corrected and the UI itself has had a major overhaul. We're adding a party system to more easily find and play with your friends! The work to set this up is ongoing, and there's still some work to do before this is ready though it's definitely the biggest news this year! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/5e5b745b4db5e3c73fadc9143a73cee159952d0e.jpg[/img] The Leaderboard has been updated and is still undergoing changes. Currently it looks great, and we have a list of playtesters in their rankings! Some other updates made to the UI in January include: * Enlarged text for higher resolution PCs * Issue with player's names not displaying on kills has been fixed! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/5ad0996b2bae6b26ba63bc9f81230c64728a589b.jpg[/img] [h2]VFX [/h2] Our VFX team has been making some pretty awesome changes to the weapons this month. Weapon animations are being updated and are looking really good. Fixed a bug that caused the flak projectile to stay visible in the air for some time after detonating. Below you can see the newly implemented muzzle flash on the machine gun. Some additional VFX updates in January include: * Fixed a few issues with flak projectile's trails. * Reduced the size of the flak projectile's mesh to be more reasonable. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/f948f1a4cbb55644b274d7ce28cb72abdd6cc4b4.jpg[/img] [h2]SFX[/h2] Updates to the sounds in Sky Link continue to amaze me. The sniper rifle sounds so real now. You can hear the crack in the air as the bullet breaks the sound barrier. Weapon’s continue to be a focus in sounds throughout January as well as some additional updates to further build out the atmosphere. * Added basic sound playback to the flak projectiles. * Fix announcer ducking other audio. * Fix multi kill announcer assets. [h2]Other News[/h2] A new mode is being set up for Drone Racing! This is big news, and while it's a work in progress you'll want to keep your eyes peeled for more updates. The Checkpoints are being set up and configured and there will definitely be more to report on Drone Racing in the near future. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/3167a8483e24675ddfe66ac8f9029cd2ad1512e1.png[/img] We are still doing small group beta testing on Fridays and if you want to get more involved or just stop in to say hi; join us at https://discord.gg/PlaySkyLink ! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/087994d401a6bc7de1a5a4c90f123d3e46a89948.png[/img]