July Patch Notes

Sky Link 2

Sky Link 2 is a groundbreaking aerial shooter that gives you unparalleled freedom as you fly powerful Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle's (UCAV's) to unload your arsenal and defeat your opponents.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/305a4639e8a633835197db9d342a9c0f72a9ea42.jpg[/img] New Physics Based Flight Updates: Initial implementation of the Sting Wolf in New Flight. Initial implementation of the Megadon in New Flight. Implemented vertical boost in New Flight. Added automatic stabilization when player is interacting with UI menus in New Flight. [img]https://scontent.fhio3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/285191290_106108665458714_8070499900924018858_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s960x960&_nc_cat=101&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=8631f5&_nc_ohc=IYawUdEshBAAX9Ftkxz&_nc_ht=scontent.fhio3-1.fna&oh=00_AfB277F5LAOWWNjNEg4osUGhZRY3g04J3gm_Sc75ftgpPw&oe=64D11B74[/img] Combat: Fixed weapons being able to fire before round start and after round end. Fixed weapons potentially getting stuck in a reloading state if magazine size is modified by balance. Fixed turret weapon not firing correctly. Decreased machine gun projectile lifespan from 3s to 1s. Fixed weapons not activating at spawn sometimes. Other: Added a native class for the new camera system and ported (some) legacy camera systems to it. Fix error not showing grapple/contrail name on pop up widget when you try to buy it Fix error not equipping the selected grapple/contrail Added a native class for the new camera system and ported (some) legacy camera systems to it. Fix client crash when loading garage and prematch maps. Fix win condition in overtime so it is based on "last man standing" Fix issue where time dilation and "grey" camera effect was not triggering correctly when ending the match in overtime mode Fixed in-game chat window. Fix issue where enemy players were spawning near enemies mid round. Fix issue where players, after being killed during a match, were respawning in the opossite team's area Fix issue where loading screen was hidden at the start during map loading in deathmatch maps Fixed issues with drone camera post-processing. Fixed specator UI not showing up in spectator mode. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/aabd24a4bc0dfbbec3fa9237fd669d5001d57aa3.png[/img]