October Patch Notes

Sky Link 2

Sky Link 2 is a groundbreaking aerial shooter that gives you unparalleled freedom as you fly powerful Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle's (UCAV's) to unload your arsenal and defeat your opponents.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/f27da1573049f9dffada131924399b0792c59426.png[/img] Throughout the month of October we here at Odisi games have really been focused on getting the new physics based flight setup and adjusted, so that it's easy to pickup and yet more difficult to master. The work has been worth it, and the new physics based flight has been simply incredible. Lots of other work is going on behind the scenes too! We’re making our way towards the end goal of having all drones, weapon systems, and armors be interchangeable and more modular, and I’m excited to see this through. Physics Based Flight Updates: * Full implementation of the experimental control mode, replacing the previous stabilized mode. * Restructured various control-related systems. * Restructured the camera to better assist in aiming while in reverse. * Fixed thruster sockets on raptor not being attached to the associated bones. Sound Effects Updates: * Enemy engine volume and pitch tweaks, should sound a little higher in volume and lower in pitch. * Implemented new machine gun weapon SFXs. * Added assets for each new machine gun weapon SFX. * Scale other drones machine gun sound distance values by half (attenuation and switch container). [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/966b676ebca96e2ad630992d3300c1d4226c8249.png[/img] Visual Effects Updates: * Updated drone blueprints to activate new thruster effects * Fix for effects material not reading correctly. * Enemy Drones now have a red highlight to help with sighting in for the perfect shot! Garage Updates: We've spent a lot of time updating the garage and setting things up to be more interactive. There's sounds and textures that have been added, and the garage itself has been expanded as well! * Added custom hand decals to replace the scaled up versions implemented into the garage model. Added click interaction sfx for desks, shelves, screens, fire extinguishers, and and red hands. * Removed 1 light at center back of drone platform to allow for more shadows cast onto bottom side of drone. * Framed red hands at sides of garage door. Missile intercept adjustments: * If there is no obstacle between the intercept target and missile, the missile will pick the most direct vector towards the target. * Fix issue where owner couldn't see when his Guided missile was shot down. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/1396f84e9c425a632030ee70b0a748d06f9f2e55.jpg[/img] Stealth Updates! * Missiles can't follow or intercept invisible drones, even when missiles are already locked before the drone uses stealth. * Damage marker is not visible if the drone is in stealth. * Crosshair doesn't turn red when aiming at an enemy drone if the enemy is in stealth. * Turrets are no longer able to target any drone in stealth. Additional awesome updates in October: * General improvements regarding how we handle and notify errors related to skirmish, matchmaking, network and map travel. * Fix issue where balance values are not applied to pickups * Hangar - Added health pickups. * Fix bug letting player shoot while placing turret * Missing player on the Tally Screen has been resolved! * Fix issue where the in-game Scoreboard is not showing players. Server * Fix matchmaking timer not showing up when playing skirmish while on queue for a deathmatch * Fix server crash when a player is killed and the killer drone pointer is invalid. * Fix crash that happens when destroying a turret placed by a player that is no longer connected in the match. * Fix server crash at end of match that prevented rewards from going to the player. * Fix issue that triggers when a player presses the 'tab' key and tries to display the tally screen when entering the match. New! Leaderboards! This change I’m so excited about, and while it’s not in our public branch yet, it’s coming soon! * Leaderboard initial UI testing in progress! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40970942/37590a4d8e34bdb51b1bdb86efc168112ead96c8.png[/img]