LA Cops: The Seedy Underbelly of LA

LA Cops

LA Cops is a fast, action packed 3D top down shooter set to a theme of 70s Cops in LA trying to do a tough job in a tough town.

[img=] Listen up cops, There's under 1 week until launch day - LA Cops is out on Friday! If you're not doing so already, [url=]follow Detective Chet Kowalski on Twitter[/url] to keep up with the skinny! We'll have competitions, videos, screenshots, news and more throughout the coming week. Last week we showed you the first of 3 launch trailers: [url=]Cops Getting the Job Done[/url], showing off the cops of LA. This week, we're showing you the Seedy Underbelly of LA: That Teddy Green is one shady dude. Stay tuned for more details on what to expect on launch day. Until then, get back to work cops! MT17