Demo Patch Note #1

Meow Mission

Play Meow Mission and solve a variety of puzzles to rescue cats trapped in an outer dimension! The rescued cats will be brought to the Tomcat House, where you can make memories with their unique personalities. Let's go rescue these adorable kitties!

Hello, gamers! First, we would like to thank everyone who has played the [b]Meow Mission[/b] demo build. For those who haven't tried the demo yet, we hope this patch note will be a great opportunity to check it out! [h3]Patch Note[/h3] [b]New Features[/b] [olist] [*][b]Controller Support[/b]: Xbox and PlayStation controllers are now supported. [*][b]Windowed/Full-Screen Toggle[/b] feature has been added. [*][b]Demo Missions Added[/b][/olist] [list] [*] Main Mission: Playable up to Mission 33 [*] Bonus Mission: Playable up to Mission B4 [/list] [b]Changes[/b] [list] [*] UI size adjustments for a more comfortable display [*] Various bug fixes for enhanced stability [/list] The [b]Meow Mission[/b] demo is free for anyone to download! Check out the new features and missions in the demo, and if you enjoyed it, please support us by adding it to your [b]wishlist[/b]! Happy gaming! 😊