LA Cops is OUT NOW!

LA Cops

LA Cops is a fast, action packed 3D top down shooter set to a theme of 70s Cops in LA trying to do a tough job in a tough town.

[img=] [h1][b]Cops![/b][/h1] Your time has come. Dunk your DoDo, lock and load your crime fighting weapons and prepare to kick some criminal scumbag butt - LA Cops 1.0 is out now! Today's update brings the game to its full release version. You'll find 5 new levels to tackle, plus a myriad of bug fixes and polish to the game based on your feedback in our [url=]forums[/url]. This is a perfect opportunity for everyone at Team17 and Modern Dream to thank our [b]Amazing Early Access community[/b], who've helped us bring LA Cops from early alpha to full release product. Here's a quick message from Modern Dream's Ollie Clarke, just for you: [quote=Ollie Clarke] We're very happy to be able to return the good will that the Early Access players have shown us with their hard earned money by releasing the full game today. May we say a huge heartfelt thank you for all your support, feedback and help in making LA Cops the game it is today. Its made the difference. This is by no means the end however, we're going to be listening to your feedback post launch and updating the game over the next weeks and months. So keep an eye on us, we've got more to come! [/quote] For everyone new to LA Cops, welcome to the force. Watch our [url=]Getting Started vid[/url] for some quick tips on getting started in your crime fighting career, or check out the [url=]forums[/url] and [url=]Community Videos[/url] sections of the Community Hub for tips from veterans in the force. From everyone at Modern Dream and Team17 - enjoy playing LA Cops! We can't wait to see you demolish our scores on the leaderboards. MT17 [b]Like this update? Hit the thumbs up button below, it helps get onto all the cool places in Steam![/b]