Korea Dynasty 0.8.9 Update

Korea Dynasty (조선메타실록)

This game is a 3D open world survival exploration game that survives in the Korea Dynasty. Players Begin with slaves, change their status in Joseon, survive, and escape. Once free, travel around the country, explore hundreds of ruins, hunt, and collect what you need to survive.

[h1]Improvements[/h1] [h2]Items[/h2] [list] [*] 'Unwoldo' weapon item has been added. [*] 'Nobility Hat2' costume item has been added. [*] 'Silk Top12' costume item has been added. [*] 'Silk Bottom8' costume item has been added. [/list] *Unwoldo, Nobility Hat2, Silk Top12, and Silk Bottom8 can be purchased at the store. [list] [*] 'Silk Top13' costume item has been added. [*] 'Silk Bottom9' costume item has been added. [*] 'Bajilag' clam item has been added. [*] 'Kkomak' clam item has been added. [/list] *You can dig the ground near the sea with a shovel or catch Bajilag and kkomak using a trap. [list] [*] Rice has been changed so that it can be eaten as is, although it is not very efficient. [/list] [h2]System[/h2] [list] [*] Some challenges have been added. [*] If there is an NPC in the village that has become hostile, you can restore your relationship with the villagers by talking to them after the village guard has calmed down. [*] An exclamation mark has been displayed above the head of the NPC that can receive a side mission. [*] Digging the ground near the sea with a shovel will produce clams. [*] Reputation has been increased when a captured NPC is released. [/list] [h2]Animals/NPC[/h2] [list] [*] Farmer NPCs have been added. [/list] *Farmer NPCs can be hired as companions. [list] [*] Hanyang Clothing store NPCs have been added. [*] Animals will run away when you shoot a rifle. [*] NPCs will now react and run away when you shoot a rifle. [*] The amount of food required to tame a horse has been slightly reduced. [*] The chickens in the chicken coop can now use beans as food. [/list] [h2]Natural Areas/Artificial Objects[/h2] [list] [*] Bowing to a tomb-related historical site will now increase your Confucian ability. [/list] [h2]Balance[/h2] [list] [*] The amount of crops produced will vary by season. [*] The duration of herbal medicine has been increased. [*] The probability of horse spawning has been slightly increased. [*] The time it takes for a miner to obtain ore from a distance has been slightly reduced. [*] The amount of wells produced has been slightly increased. [*] The spawn cycle of village guards has been shortened. [*] Some major mission rewards have been slightly reduced. [/list] [h2]UI/UX[/h2] [list] [*] When the level of an ability increases and the crafting recipe is unlocked, the number of items unlocked is displayed on the screen. [*] Boss health UI has been added. [/list] [h2]Player[/h2] [list] [*] Walking speed has been slightly increased. [/list] [h2]Proficiency[/h2] [list] [*] Vitality ability has been added. [*] Effects have been added to some abilities. [*] The categories of some abilities have been changed. [*] Descriptions have been added to most abilities. [/list] [h2]User convenience[/h2] [list] [*] The dialogue and dubbing of the main mission have been slightly changed. [/list] [h1]Bug Fixes[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where miners would not get up after being knocked down in some situations. [/list] *If a long time has passed since a miner was knocked down, the miner may have been unemployed, and if attacked, the miner may run away. After a certain amount of time, the miner can be rehired. [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the sound effects for some major missions were not affected by the volume option. [*] Fixed an issue where certain famous items were not dropping abnormally in the nobleman's tomb. [*] Fixed an issue where the shadows in the tavern were abnormally visible. [*] Fixed an issue where the feet of the Yikri NPC would be buried in the ground. [*] Fixed an issue where arrows shot by opponents would float in the air during the archery minigame. [/list]