Korea Dynasty 0.8.4 Update

Korea Dynasty (조선메타실록)

This game is a 3D open world survival exploration game that survives in the Korea Dynasty. Players Begin with slaves, change their status in Joseon, survive, and escape. Once free, travel around the country, explore hundreds of ruins, hunt, and collect what you need to survive.

[h1]Improvements[/h1] [h2]Item[/h2] [list] [*] The weapon item “Gwanjejeogdongtugaghwando” has been added. [*] The “Gok Byeong Hwan Do” weapon item has been added. [*] “Jade Bogum” weapon item has been added. [*] “Exemption Armor” armor item has been added. [*] “Exemption Helmet” armor item has been added. [*] “Jade Ore” material item has been added. [*] Jade ring accessory item has been added. [*] “High-quality White Porcelain horse-shaped masterpiece” decorative item has been added. [*] The “White Porcelain horse-shaped masterpiece 1” decorative item has been added. [*] The “White Porcelain horse-shaped masterpiece 2” decorative item has been added. [*] “White porcelain, blue, and flower cloisonne inscription 1” decorative item has been added. [*] “White porcelain, blue, and white cloisonné print masterpiece 2” decorative item has been added. [/list] [h2]System[/h2] [list] [*] A secondary mission to find historical sites has been added. You can receive auxiliary missions from Ajeon NPC. [*] Grave artifacts can be dug up with a shovel. [*] An encyclopedia system has been added. (rare item) [/list] [h2]Animals/NPC[/h2] [list] [*] Ajeon NPC has been added. [*] A stolen goods merchant NPC has been added to sell special items with a chance. [/list] *Items sold by stolen goods merchants cannot be crafted directly. [list] [*] Wild boars have been changed to attack players. [*] Sword-world NPCs that roam the field have been added with a low probability. [/list] [h2]Map[/h2] [list] [*] A map of Hanyang’s interior has been added. [*] The auxiliary mission icon has been changed to appear on the national map. [/list] [h2]Natural boundaries/artificial features[/h2] [list] [*] Jakcheong buildings with Ajeon NPC have been added to medium-sized castles and large-scale castles. [*] A stolen goods store with a stolen goods merchant NPC has been added to Hanyang. [*] Grave artifacts have been added. [*] Slightly more artifacts are created in the field. [*] The historic site ‘Simwonsa Temple’s prayer request for Haewol’ has been added. [*] The historic site ‘Yeonbukjeong’ has been added. [*] The terrain of the field has been changed to look a little more natural. [*] Changes have been made so that performances in some exhibition halls can be viewed at Jongmyo Shrine in Hanyang. [/list] [h2]UI/UX[/h2] [list] [*] Border UI has been added to the borders of rare items. [/list] [h2]Player[/h2] [list] [*] Verse motion has been added. [/list] [h2]Optimization/Graphics[/h2] [list] [*] Tree modeling has been optimized. [/list] [h2]User Convenience[/h2] [list] [*] The bearing UI has been changed to show a wider angle. [/list] [h1]Bug fix[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed an error where the roots of distant trees were not visible. [*] Fixed an error where the Hanyang base NPC did not appear on the relationship map and quests were not accepted. [/list]