Korea Dynasty 0.8.1 Update

Korea Dynasty (조선메타실록)

This game is a 3D open world survival exploration game that survives in the Korea Dynasty. Players Begin with slaves, change their status in Joseon, survive, and escape. Once free, travel around the country, explore hundreds of ruins, hunt, and collect what you need to survive.

[h1]Improvements[/h1] [h2]Balance[/h2] [list] [*] Taro has been changed to only appear in fall. [*] Relaxed the clothing status condition that affects the rate of satisfaction decline. [/list] [h1]Bug fix[/h1] [list] [*] Fixed an error where NPCs in Hanyang were floating in the air. [*] Fixed an error where NPCs in Hanyang could not cross the bridge. [*] An error in the name spelling of Hanyang Castle Gate has been corrected. [*] Fixed an error where Hanyang base NPCs were duplicated. [*] The abnormal terrain of Cheonggyecheon has been corrected. [*] Fixed an issue where being attacked during a main mission cutscene would cause the cutscene to be interrupted. [*] Fixed an error that allowed farming within Hanyang. [/list] [h1]Multiplayer[/h1] [list] [*] Alleviated an abnormal frame drop issue that occurred after leaving Hanyang. [/list]