Koboo: The Tree Spirit is Releasing Tomorrow! 🎉 Pre-Release 1.02 Update

Koboo: The Tree Spirit

Koboo is a fast paced action rogue-lite platformer. Battle against towering hunters as a small tree spirit by attacking their weak points. Forge powerful synergies, explore a handmade world with branching paths, fish and garden to rebuild your home - death is not the end!

It is happening Koboo: The Tree Spirit is releasing on [b]August 26th 3pm EST [/b]in less than 24 hours! This release was only possible thanks to the support of our Kickstarter, Discord and Steam community we have built up over the years 😁 Thank you so much! [h2]Pre-Release 1.02 Update Notes - August 25th, 2024[/h2] [h2]Weapon Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Added sound effects for Lightning Orb, Water Orb, and Shadow Orb. [*] Fixed a bug with the Knockout upgrade for Boxing Gloves working incorrectly at higher levels. [/list] [h2]Infusion Rework[/h2] [list] [*] Animal Infusions have been massively reworked! They are now acquired throughout the run and can be applied to weapons, or found on weapons later in the run. [*] Weapons can now have up to two animal infusions, unlocking the first slot after the first boss and the second after the second boss. [*] Infusions now have three rarities! Each infusion has tiers of power. The higher the rarity, the more powerful the effect. [*] Seven new weapon infusions have been added. Check them out for yourself in Cayde’s shop! [*] Scorpion Venom has been slightly reworked. Now it’s critical damage is what is converted to poison. [*] Turtle Bash no longer reduces the target’s Attack Speed. [*] Owl Wisdom now has its effects split between itself and a new animal infusion for simplicity. [/list] [h2]Animal Abilities[/h2] [list] [*] Added the Owl Insight animal ability path. [*] The Fox Curse animal ability is now available! This was meant to be added earlier, however it could not be accessed in the Favor Shop due to an oversight. [*] Decreased Animal Ability cooldown by 40%. [*] Added visual effects for Tiger Adrenaline and Deer Pacify. [*] Added a unique sound effect for Tiger Adrenaline, Deer Pacify, and Rat Swarm. [*] Abilities now only gain charge from weapon damage and damage over time effects. [/list] [h2]Enemy Changes[/h2] [list] [*] Enemies now have new sound effects for their attacks to better distinguish them. [*] Off-screen enemies are now indicated with an arrow. [*] Many levels now have more variety with alternative wave packs. Some have tweaked enemies. [*] You now gain some favor after defeating a final boss. [/list] [h2]New Settings[/h2] [list] [*] Added an alternative, more readable font option. It can be selected in the “General” settings. [*] Added a setting to give Koboo a black outline for better visibility. It can be selected in the “Gameplay” settings. [*] Added “Difficulty Presets”, which sets all difficulty settings to one of five modes (Chill, Story, Default, Hardcore, and Impossible). Individual settings can still be modified, setting the preset to Custom. This can be changed in the “Accessibility” settings. [*] Merged “Koboo’s Weapon Damage” and “Koboo’s Ability Damage” into “Koboo’s Damage Multiplier”. This setting now works more universally as well. [/list] [h2]Miscellaneous Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Mara’s Shop will not change until the player begins a new run. [*] Leaving in Mara’s Shop will no longer increment your run counter. [*] Scaled up Julien and the Mysterious Chest. [*] Readjusted some walls to better match tiles, in particular the water bodies of the new bonus levels. [*] Fixed some minor texture discolouration in some sprite renderings. [*] Removed Anti-Aliasing to improve performance. [/list] Let us know what you think of the update! ːsteamhappyː - Simon and Jerome