Kitchen Confidential #5 - Upcoming Patch Insight!


Welcome to Automachef, a resource management puzzler where you design kitchens, program machinery and watch your genius come to life! It’s time to engineer tomorrow’s kitchen, today!

Hello everyone, Thank you all so much for your support during Automachef’s launch, we really appreciate it! The team have been avidly reading through your forum comments and Steam reviews taking note of what you like, as well as bugs and what you feel could do with some tweaks. We’re now in a position where we’re almost ready to release our first patch based on this feedback… [h1][b]Automachef's First Patch - Coming Soon![/b][/h1] We’re pleased to share that Automachef’s first patch is coming soon! Built around what we learned from the community, you can expect the following when the patch goes live: [list] [*]Key Rebinding. [*]Save prompt before returning to the main menu, allowing you to store successful designs for the future. [*]Ultra-wide support for extreme aspect ratios. [*]“Efficiency” metric has been improved, allowing 100% efficiency to be achieved in most levels if the layour doesn't waste ingredients or energy. [*]Default value of order readers will be lowered to “perform 1 action” instead of 3. [*]Various tweaks and improvements to Robert Person’s text box. [*]Your highest efficiency score will be displayed in the level selection screen. [*]Prompt dialogues will scale to screen resolution [*] Mouse cursor will no longer be blocked from reaching certain areas after changing screen resolution. [/list] When the patch goes live in the near future the full notes will have further details on the changes listed above. Thanks again for your support during launch, it’s been awesome seeing how you’ve been tackling the various challenges in Automachef, as well as how helpful you’ve been in assisting your fellow robotic kitchen entrepreneurs. [h1]Order Pending[/h1] We’ll be in touch again soon when the patch goes live, so in the meantime why not treat yourself to some steak with [b]minotaur2k12[/b]’s ‘High Steaks’ mod available here: