Join Playtest to Win Rewards


A multiplayer game of survival and social deduction. You work with others to collect materials, survive the dangers, and complete tasks. Beware of monsters, but more of the alternates disguising as your teammates. They can change into supernatural monsters and attack you at any time.

Hello Everyone! We are about to launch a [b]playtest with rewards[/b], for anyone who plays our game and is lucky enough! [b]Time[/b] SEP 22-23, 18:00-24:00 each day in Central European Time & Central Standard Time [b]Regions[/b] 2 servers will open, Europe (Germany) and North America [b]How to Join[/b] As the picture shows below, click the Request Access button After the request, the game can be downloaded and accessed on SEP 22 [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44528931/66c94d67960ca9a33b8311a6a408b7c9ed683b91.jpg[/img] If you don’t have access for some weird reason, contact us in [url=]discord[/url] and we will give you the keys. [b]Playtest Rewards[/b] [list] [*] Play a game with at least 6 players. Share 1 screenshot in our [url=]discord[/url] showing that you are playing with others. We will select lucky players to get 10-USD Steam Wallet Gift Card code the day after the playtest. [*] The screenshot can be any moment when you are in the game, or the finishing screen that shows all players. [*] Each player can only get 1 reward at most. [*] There will be at least 20 rewards. We will increase the rewards if there are a lot of players. [/list] [b]Forward Rewards[/b] [list] [*] Forward our message about our playtest and Steam link to a discord server (must be relevant to Steam games) that has over 500 members. Contact us on SEP 24 and show us the forwarded message link, which is effective and not deleted. We will thank you with a 5-USD Steam Wallet Gift Card code. [*] Each player can only get 1 reward at most. [*] There will be at least 20 rewards. We will increase the rewards if there are a lot of players. [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44528931/50cd8a97447e9e6a73c1c30a1a1d4dd8ec91c9de.jpg[/img]