It sounds like People Can Fly would love to do Bulletstorm 2

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

Step into the boots of Grayson Hunt after a crash landing on an old resort planet forces him to make a hard choice: survival or revenge. Execute masterful kills with Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition’s unique combat system that rewards you for performing the most creative and deadly kills imaginable.

We loved the original Bulletstorm in 2011, and we loved the Full Clip remaster in 2017. We'll probably also love the Switch version when it arrives end of August - a date mentioned by Sebastian Wojciechowski, CEO of developer People Can Fly, on the phone to me.

But what about a potential Bulletstorm 2? That's what you really want to know. Steady yourself, there's hope.

"We are, as you can see [with the remaster and the Switch version], still holding this IP deep in our hearts," Wojciechowski told me. "We want this IP to have its second life. We're still not sure what that means but obviously since this is our IP - we own the IP - and the IP is known and has its fans, we would like to do something about it.

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