Hey everyone, this is a pretty big patch so here are the details.
[*] We have changed up the way our networking works, and players should no longer load in with blank textures, missing inventories, or lack of tools.
[*] We have temporarily limited the games fps to 60, as higher framerates were causing stability issues for clients. We hope to fix this soon, but for now a 60 fps frame limit will provide a smooth online experience.
[*] Beacon: Placing this down provides a way point all players can see from any distance to help them navigate to you.
[*] Blood Scanner: Using this temporarily gives you vision of enemies around you, lasts for one minute.
[*] Hazard Scanner: Using this temporarily gives you vision of leeches and landmines around you, lasts for one minute.
[*] Multiple changes to the UI, making it easier to navigate. Evidence log now matches the rest of the UI style.
[*] Optimized networking load for all players.
[*] Reduced Smoker spawn rate during fog storms, should make them much more manageable. Even more so in Single Player.