Open world, up to 8 player coop multiplayer, third person, zombie shooter, procedural generation, multiple locations, drivable cars, and oh yeah, flyable helicopters with mini guns. Escape the infested Opossum City streets and uncover dark secrets within Alex Manor in this nostalgic zombie shooter.
Hi zombie hunters/Opossum City survivors! I really appreciate your feedback. I reduced the bloom and increased ammo. I have noted the other feedback and they are part of the roadmap. This is a passion project for me and I am committed to making this the ultimate multiplayer nostalgic zombie experience. Also, I was watching Resident Evil Apocalypse (for the 100th time) and what I noticed was smokey mist everywhere. It's like they must have set off smoke grenades everywhere on set. Also a lot of police cars. So I added these things to Opossum City. Let me know what you think in the discussion board!
- increased ammo from ammo boxes
- reduced bloom
- added mist
- added police car