Happy New Year and Hello!

[h2][b]Development is in full swing![/b][/h2] Hey guys! We're excited to share the latest development and progress news with you, so [u][b]add the game to your WishList[/b][/u] to stay updated. Currently, we are working on and brainstorming tower interaction mechanics in the game, their skills, and special abilities: [list] [*] Spell attacks [*] Auras (acting on an area) [*] Impact effects of abilities [*] Triggers like Death Rattle and others [*] Various healing abilities, Buffs/Debuffs [/list] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45297187/2cb0f57443d332b60d30d90962bf3deb1654fd94.png[/img] [previewyoutube=Lsn_LLU_uj8;full][/previewyoutube] [h2][b]Enhanced Items Acquisition System[/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45297187/9fbc039c88c129c5b782d01bae3de6820f4152db.png[/img] We've introduced a mechanic that allows you to get loot boxes with in-game valuables for a certain amount of in-game currency - currently, these are avatars that provide different bonuses for your towers in the game. In the future, this mechanism will be one of the main ways to acquire in-game valuables for in-game currency. [h2][b]Global Chat and Communication[/b][/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45297187/5c07db2624e998ff52b6e5f46f40b85411ef5b9e.png[/img] A global chat has been added to the lobby of the game where you can communicate, discuss tactics, battle outcomes, and more. Additionally, the chat includes a feature to track players' status: [list] [*] Simply in the lobby [*] Currently seeking an opponent [*] Already engaged in a battle [/list] These statuses enable you to receive information about the actions of a player without having to message them directly.