Playtest starts soon!

Hello everyone, I am happy to announce that the [b]playtest can start soon[/b]. I think it will be between mid-January and the beginning of February. It will contain a small part of the map with the [b]most important gameplay mechanics[/b]. Currently, most of the gameplay for the demo is ready, around 70%. It will receive updates until the demo is finished. Feel free to [b]use the Discord server [/b](which will be opened next week) or the [b]discussion function for feedback or ideas.[/b] Please keep in mind that it[b] does not represent the current state of development[/b], as it only contains some parts of the actual gameplay. The demo will act as the prologue for the full game and will contain [b]over 3 hours of gameplay[/b], including a [b]full storyline[/b]. It will feel like a complete game, just with shorter playtime (3 hours). To get access, simply request access to the playtest, as shown in the picture. I will grant access soon, as there are already a lot of requests. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/45247119/868667a38d09e2ac386ebb4938d3a2e875cbaac6.png[/img] Thank you all for your interest and support! The journey is just beginning, and I can’t wait to see your feedback and ideas to shape the game. Stay tuned for the Discord server launch next week and further updates. See you in the playtest! Best regards, Steven Lifeblood Games