Introducing a new enemy for Deck RX!

Deck RX: The Deckbuilding Racing Game

Welcome to the Deck Races! Build your deck and defeat your opponents in races across the galaxy. Unlock cards, characters and worlds, and claim the ultimate prize of immortality... Or perish trying.

Hi guys! I'm here to talk about a new enemy we are introducing into Deck RX! Oraklos are a coven of techno-priestesses who have been modified and trained since birth at the Temple-Labs, making them able to break the barriers of the mind and take their vision beyond what any human can reach, across the vastness of space-time. They are expert mind-readers, often employed by Deaf City’s government. Since the Cult of the True Way is pursuing immortality, they have decided to yield some of their best agents to this enterprise by enrolling them in the Deck Race. Like most other enemies, Oraklos come in 3 different tiers of strength, depending on how late in the game you encounter them. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40322498/fd2ae719c12dfe91e15ef8f02f42c51b7ea8a3c1.gif[/img] With Oraklos, we introduce a world-specific enemy to Deaf City. As we mentioned in the Kickstarter, each stage will have both special tiles and hazards, and its own special enemy. Oraklos will drive aggressively, using all types of mines against their enemies - in their deck they will have stasis, hellfire and explosive mines - and they will differentiate situations in the race to know which one to lay down each time. But... What if you use mines against them? Well, Oraklos can have visions of their future encounters, and are thus extraordinarily capable of dodging mines and adjust their speed accordingly in almost every situation. You’ll be hard pressed to beat them at their own game! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40322498/4e93e083ca61301c1c2445ce36738713a6701b9b.gif[/img] Oraklos’ behavior within the race will change depending on how much health they have. If they are low on health, they will suspend their ship in Stasis, and perform some mild nano-repairs. But if they get ahead of the rest of the racers, they’ll lay mines – MANY mines, so stay alert and plan your turns carefully! Using their visions, Oraklos will have the ability to use both “Evade” and “Drift” to avoid the most of the damage they may suffer while low on health. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40322498/f284c1d02cbf6fa747176414075875aa0988b319.png[/img] The visual design of Oraklos has been developed from concepts like this one. It has a more elaborate design than regular enemies, and we hope that it contributes to make Deaf City the “Mine World”, where the player must learn that no speed level is safe – driving too fast will make you take damage on curves, but drive too slow… and those mines will end you! Oraklos-type enemies will be featured in the full version of Deck RX, among other additions which we will reveal in the coming days. Our Gold-tier backers in Kickstarter (and above) will be able to play against them in-game as early as December 2021, as part of the Open Development Access pass. Thank you very much for your support so far! See you soon!