Deck RX Demo - Version 01c released!

Deck RX: The Deckbuilding Racing Game

Welcome to the Deck Races! Build your deck and defeat your opponents in races across the galaxy. Unlock cards, characters and worlds, and claim the ultimate prize of immortality... Or perish trying.

(More or less!) Comprehensive list of changes: [b]Added:[/b] - Tooltips with extra information when hovering a card in your hand. - Transparency effect added to track buildings and props so road tiles can be seen through. - Use mouse wheel button to center camera on player car. - High-contrast view highlighting the circuit while pressing the "additional info" button during a race. - Buttons to change game speed modes from the general race UI. - Car pannel pops when hovering a car during a race. - Colored car outline when a car is being hovered. - Sound effects for multiple UI elements. - "Celebration" effect when a car crosses the finish line. - A banter panel may appear when a car destroys an enemy. - Tight font for content-heavy text elements. [b]Changed:[/b] - Set high-fidelity graphics quality as default in the settings menu. - Adjusted framerate inconsistencies in high-fidelity graphics mode. - "Order Custom Piece" submenu in the Workshop no longer displays repeated cards. - Made performance improvements in Deaf City environment particles. - Small changes in track building and prop spawning rules. - Changed the look and feel of tooltips in the game. - New look for the game pause menu. - Multiple card balancing tweaks. - Less verbose card descriptions. - Balanced card prices in the Workshop. [b]Fixed:[/b] - Solved game-breaking bug provoked by card "Reserve Battery". - User interface error which would not display the correct cost for destroying a card in the Workshop. - Fixed highlighting errors in non-interactible Workshop menu buttons. - Solved punctual UI incompatibilities with small screen resolutions. - Fixed error which made pilot banter panels freeze after pausing the game during a clash. - Solved bug which would prevent the race finish screen from stopping the race. That's all for now! Have a great weekend! Best, The Meteorbyte team PS: Stay tuned! We will be starting our Kickstarter on Wednesday, November 3rd, for Deck RX!