Demo_02b Launched!

Deck RX: The Deckbuilding Racing Game

Welcome to the Deck Races! Build your deck and defeat your opponents in races across the galaxy. Unlock cards, characters and worlds, and claim the ultimate prize of immortality... Or perish trying.

Kickstarter demo launched! Here is the changelog with most of the updates! [0.1.3] - Demo_02b [Kickstarter] - 2021.11.03 Added - Cards displayed in "Order Custom Piece" submenu in the Workshop now individually show their price. - Colored car outline when a car panel is being hovered. - Disabled realtime race broadcast Deaf City's TV screens in "Performance" graphics quality mode. - Credits icon for the Workshop and Race Finish screen. - Color gradient in cards background. Changed - The set of cards obtained from Rumagging in the Junkyard will not contain repeated cards. - Route Preview and Race Earnings panels now appear in the background when the player is asked to discard a card from their hand. - "Order Custom Piece" submenu in the Workshop no longer closes itself after purchasing a card. - Softer CRT effect in Deaf City's TV broadcast screens. - Set balanced graphics quality as default in the settings menu. - Replaced banners displayed in Deaf City's TV broadcast creens. - Balanced boss car "Crust Core". - Car death banter panel now has priority over other types of banters. Fixed - Bug which would render circuit tiles black while pressing the "additional info" button during a race. - Solved dark-tinted artifacts might appear on some UI text elements. - "Order Custom Piece" submenu in the Workshop no longer shows placeholder text. - Fixed issues where route preview tiles would not correctly show the outcome of a clash. - Solved issues related with car panel pips when the game is running at high speed modes. - Bug where "Rumage in the Junkyard" submenu in the Workshop would not recognize left mouse clicks. - Solved missing tooltips for card "Backup-Up Propulsion". - Fixed run-breaking bug which may occurr when setting "Overwhelm" pip value to zero. - Bug where player would start the race one turn late if the game speed is set to "Ultra". Join our Kickstarter here: Thank you all for your support so far! Best, The Meteorbyte Team