Demo 02c released!

Deck RX: The Deckbuilding Racing Game

Welcome to the Deck Races! Build your deck and defeat your opponents in races across the galaxy. Unlock cards, characters and worlds, and claim the ultimate prize of immortality... Or perish trying.

New demo version! ## [0.1.4] - Demo_02c [Kickstarter] - 2021.11.12 ### Added - Helper text in Route Preview UI panel. - Cards now rotate and shine if the cursor is near their borders. - "View Deck" button in the Workshop also displays the number of cards in the deck. ### Changed - Pressing "Escape" key when a card is selected now makes the card go back to the player hand, instead of opening the pause menu. - Small delay for the car panel to open when the palyer highlights a car model. - Changes in non-yellow "Accumulate" cards and "Safe Attack" card. ### Fixed - Kerning issue with credits icon in text UI elements. - Issue with speed calculations in curve tiles during route preview. - Unplayable cards no longer appear in game UI and menus as playable cards with zero cost. - Race music volume updates correclty if game settings are changed during a race. - Game-breaking bug which would occur when using "Lighten Load" with no cards left in the player hand. Thank you all for your support! Enjoy the weekend! Best, The Meteorbyte Team