Info About Next Update

Spellbook Demonslayers

Slay endless hordes of demons to protect the Cosmic Library! Steal their abilities, find powerful equipment, and unlock the secrets of each spellbook to become unstoppable! Will you be able to destroy the demonic legion?

Haven't been available much to communicate becuase of family & housing stuff i've had to work on first just to clear up some potential confusion: - The Hades style prototype is for a sequel coming out after this game's 1.0. The prototype is extremely outdated though. Spellbook 1 will remain an auto-shooting game. - The update that changed the knockback system and adds the 2nd character has actually been out for a few months, but I didn't draw attention to the launch of it. That update is not the "1.0" update. [b]here are some of the things coming in the next update:[/b] [list][*] Replaced Spellbook system, books now have unique "Signature Spells" that cost Mana. Regular spells still do not cost Mana, only Signature Spells. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/994a971d70a80a5b00c76bf9576c11ffb3d6c889.png[/img] [*] Dual book upgrade can be found during runs allowing you to run 2 books & Signature Spells at the same time. [*] New Auto-attacking dual-wielding weapon system. Attacks generate Mana, and can be Charged. You can swap between 2 equipped weapons instantly with a button press. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/2418dfd16993cde4a84356ea620bd4502af990f4.png[/img] [*] New Weapon Fusion system to customize and extend their combos. All weapons can have their attacks replaced with those of any other weapon, letting you combine their unique abilities with any moveset you want. You can also slot [b]Instant Attacks[/b] in between your regular combo attacks. These often come with bonuses like applying status effects on hit. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/dabf22773f437d21e8494f699b2acfe6a4b39937.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/d6d4c6041713c596ebeb9f6dfd9ad785c9dd87f5.png[/img] [*] New "Augments" system: Lets you socket upgrades into your spells and abilities to add effects. Spells begin with no Augments, but each Ability comes with 1 starter Augment. As you equip new Augments in runs you will also unlock them to use as your starting augment as well, offering lots of horizontal progression. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/cb7f44d2bfa0e660157df605f0e73e87e9d9cc77.png[/img] [*] New Level Up System: The character you aren't playing as brings you reward portals of various types. That character can also be customized each run with utility upgrades. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/7fa37a534b6fccd412472404755f660557fe4289.gif[/img] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/54720d3849da15e1a7ac15c193a03802b8fdb55e.png[/img] [*] New Battle Modifiers System: After you level up you are given a choice between a few different portals to continue through. Some of them will add additional risk/reward effects onto combat, letting you scale the intensity to your liking. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/ee96bae1f1ab534ad4791c1a7aaf1b5924cd1c9f.png[/img] [*] New Wall Slam system: Damages and staggers enemies when you bounce them off walls and objects with Knockback. (Stagger is also new) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/b5bf481f9c5a7d972f1adeff38931990ac23edf8.png[/img] [*] New "Devour" system: Strong enemies are crystallized on death. Devour their corpse within 13 seconds to make the crystals explode. The crystals are also objects that can block or Wall Slam enemies. Devour is considered an Ability, so it can be socketed with Augments. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/8d57855cc096376321570cede51299bbda43934e.png[/img] [*] New "Shapeshift" System: Hold the dash button to shapeshift into Astral Fox Jeanne, draining Mana to greatly reduce your hitbox size. Shapeshifting also happens while you are Dashing, but regular dashes no longer cost Mana. The Mana drain only begins if you continue Shapeshifting after the Dash ends. Shapeshifting is an Ability that can be socketed with Augments. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/f6aa5df0506397c98a8cada7785ba8fb861e4e5d.png[/img][/list] Runs in this new system can be far more different than they can now, even without taking build archetypes into consideration. You can have runs focused entirely on weapons, on basic spells, on signature spells, focusing on any of your abilities, or mixing and matching any of them freely. Then within all of that, you also have archetypes like building into various status effects, elemental effects, and so on. The previous version of the game is nothing compared to what this will be. [b]plus a lot more. i'llalso be replacing some existing parts of the game that are bad.[/b] The new update also has a lot of improvements to fundamentals like: [list][*] New tooltip system that displays info about your stats, detailed info on attacks & spells, and also displays a box of all upgrades you have that share the same tooltip. You can press the "View Embedded Tooltips" button to dig into these tooltips and view the tooltips of the upgrades that are being displayed inside the original tooltip. [*] New text system that shows before & after info about stat changes on upgrades. [*] Good controller support (i now play mainly on controller) [*] Fully rebindable controls [*] Overhauled aiming. On controller, simply aim with the Right Stick to instantly take control with manual aim, then let go of the stick again to immediately switch back to autoaim. On keyboard and mouse, hold or toggle the "Aim With Mouse" button to seamlessly switch between automatic and manual aiming. [*] New camera and lock-on systems [*] Redesigned every UI in the game [*] Improved fonts and colors [*] Expanded options menu [*] New Stats & Stat reworks (especially Energy Shield) [*] A bunch of new music by artists like Novander, including existing songs like LOTUS and VICIOUS and new original tracks created for the game.[/list] ... and more! [previewyoutube=i5tigJt58h8;full][/previewyoutube] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42682201/2228925e8f66e39f42fd9693deb9ceae29a130d2.png[/img]