How to play Sneak Out smoothly in China?

Sneak Out

Sneak Out is a free to play multiplayer game full of mischief and fun for up to six players. Enter the Haunted Castle and prepare to hunt, hide, or prank 'em all, causing all kinds of hilarious mayhem while trying to win the deadly game of hide and seek!

[b]Hi players, to play Sneak Out online more smoothly in China, it is recommended that you use boosters to play. If one person in the game does not use the booster, the game may not be able to proceed normally.[/b] How to use the booster, we take UU as an example to introduce the tutorial 1. First, go to UU Booster's official website to download and install UU Booster ( [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44190768/40e3e587771c8309b227a5fd64c40a018839eca6.png[/img] 2. Open the UU Booster and search for Sneak Out in the upper right corner [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44190768/a8cbdc5191b1ab185a66cc7b049be196723701bc.png[/img] 3. Click "立即加速", and you can play Sneak Out smoothly in China after the acceleration is completed. It is recommended that players who play online should start acceleration to obtain a high-quality gaming experience [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/44190768/48e7d27c772a23882857663e9d6464ca1d1785a7.png[/img]