Hotfix - Changelog


Stoneshard is a challenging turn-based RPG set in an open world. Experience the unforgiving life of a medieval mercenary: travel across the war-torn kingdom, fulfill contracts, fight, mend your wounds and develop your character without any restrictions.

[h3]QOL AND OPTIMIZATION[/h3] - Reworked the algorithm for rendering the UI, which should result in a major (25-30%) FPS boost when running the game on low-end systems. - Added a shortcut for Inspecting enemies, Shift+LMB. - Items and body parts will now be grayed out when attempting to use an item that can’t be applied to them. - Added a button for deleting characters in the save menu. - Added pop-up hints that explain Knockback and attacks of opportunity. - While on the ground, quivers will now display the amount of bolts and arrows stored inside them. - Contract rewards are now given in coin purses. [h3]FIXES[/h3] - Fixed the algorithm for calculating the amount of blocked damage. - Fixed the issue with the Durability system that caused items to lose more Durability than intended and damaged incorrect items. - Jewelry, cloaks, and belts will now slowly lose Durability when worn by the character. - Fixed the rounding issue that caused Fortitude to grant its maximum benefits upon reaching 26% instead of 50%. - Fixed the bug causing basic Resistance values to stack with major Resistance categories, thus allowing to exceed Resistance caps. - Fixed “Pathfinder” not revealing certain enemy types when using “Examine Surroundings”. - Optimized the rendering of sea tiles on the global map. - Fixed and standardized a number of rounding issues. - Fixed the inability to trade with ol’ Tott. - Fixed the damage formula of "Seal of Reflection". - Fixed the bug causing unique items that drop on certain enemies' death to appear multiple times per playthrough. - Fixed Hostile enemies not alerting their allies if they are located outside of the player character's - Vision. - Fixed "Confusion" sometimes causing enemies to move to random tiles if their opponent is adjacent. - Fixed birds not reacting to the use of abilities. - Fixed certain modifiers not working as intended while affected by “Megalomania”. - Fixed the bug with “Hunter’s Mark” and enemy crossbowmen. - Fixed “Battle-Forged” not taking already accumulated stacks of the effect into account in certain situations. - Fixed the bug allowing cooldowns to go down when performing actions that don’t take a turn. - Fixed “Rune of Sustention” granting incorrect bonuses. - Fixed Backfire Chance being displayed without the percentage symbol in the character menu. - Fixed the Elven Lady, Wine Trader, and Fish Monger’s incorrect dialogue lines. - Removed daggers’ hidden Crit Efficiency bonus against Unaware targets. - Fixed the missing note in Ryn’s basement. - Fixed the incorrect formula tag in the hover of “Hewing Strike”. - Fixed “Determination” not delivering a strike to an approaching enemy after knocking them back during a previous turn. - Fixed the mace-wielding Skeleton Kingsguard not dropping a shield on death. - Updated the hover of “Immolation”. - Updated the hover of “Deafening Roar”. - Fixed the Carved Topaz Amulet’s incorrect material type. - Fixed Verren not having access to Magic Mastery in the Prologue. - Fixed the interaction of “Flurry of Strikes” with Hands Efficiency. - Receiving an attack that deals no damage should no longer trigger the “damage taken” sound effect. - Fixed the bug caused by repeatedly aggroing the Ancient Troll. - Fixed Guards continuing to chase the character after already searching them for stolen items or collecting a fine. - Fixed the incorrect price modifier that caused Brynn Craftsmen to repair items for cheaper than their colleagues in Mannshire and Osbrook. - Both “Tactics” now lose stacks when delivering basic strikes and using Attack skills. - Fixed the bug that caused successful blocks to transform received fumbled strikes into successful ones. - Fixed the interaction between “Impulse” and enemy movements. - Fixed crossbow bolts having a Range stat. - Fixed crossbow bolts’ stats not matching their hovers. - The max duration of “Vigor” gained from resting near a campfire is now the same as from sleeping. - Fixed some Mannshire containers not having an owner. - Fixed the Ancient Troll not being able to attack the character in some spots of the arena. - Fixed “Deafening Roar” sometimes activating twice per turn. - Fixed “Troll Regeneration” triggering twice per turn if the Ancient Troll is affected by certain debuffs. - Fixed some modifiers being able to trigger twice per turn. - Fixed the Ancient Troll activating “Troll Regeneration” while the character is still adjacent. - Fixed the incorrect duration of the Damage Taken penalty applied to the Ancient Troll after disrupting its “Troll Regeneration”. - Fixed enemy rangers sometimes taking a shot at the adjacent character instead of switching to their melee weapon. - Removed the possibility of dragging or learning abilities while precasting another ability. - Fixed the issue with campfires’ visibility. - Fixed the incorrect duration of “Tactics” effects. - Outlander Merchants in the Brynn Docks now continue to trade even after sunset. - Fixed the bug causing enemies to sometimes prioritize the destruction of objects instead of other actions. - Fixed the duplicating trading tabs when interacting with some NPCs. - Fixed the incorrect cooldown of “Thirst for Battle”. - Fixed “Seal of Shackles” not scaling with the caster’s Magic Power. - Fixed enemies being able to counter “Finisher” before dying to it. - Fixed “Adaptability” not reducing the duration of “Poisoning”. - Removed the possibility of fixing items that don’t have Durability. - Fixed enemies not turning Hostile after being hit with a fumbled attack. - Fixed “Sprint Training” not reducing Charge skills’ Energy Cost. - Fixed Medium and Severe Hand Injuries debuffing Block Chance instead of Accuracy. - Fixed the Throwing Net’s hover not matching its effects. - Fixed “Reign in Blood” not having Strength among the list of Attributes required for unlocking it. - The Wine Trader’s stall now uses a sprite that corresponds with the goods she actually sells. [h3]BALANCE[/h3] - Reduced the minimum Durability threshold required for fixing an item with a Repair Kit: [90/80% > 80/60%]. - Learning “Self-Repair” now allows to occasionally receive armor fragments as loot from killed enemies. - Increased the duration of all Stances: [6 > 12] turns. - “Right on Target”: reduced the base bonus to Hands Efficiency by 4% and the base bonus to Armor Penetration by 5%. - “Finisher”: lowered the minimum Max Health required for instantly killing the skill’s target. - "First Aid": grants +10% Health Restoration and +[100% > 50%] Healing Efficiency for [90 > 60] turns. - Tweaked the formulas of some Dagger, Sword, Ranged Weapon, Axe, and Pyromancy abilities. - Equipped cloaks now prevent metal items from rusting when affected by 3+ stacks of “Wetness”.