Gameplay Guides - Issue #9: Character Effects Explained (The Basics)

[b]Armor[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42230266/90589be636f770417c5d8203f1a3e9c568cf4872.gif[/img] Armor is something that protects your Champions and their enemies. Until the armor on a character is destroyed, they won’t take damage to their health. Be aware, however, that armor only lasts for the turn it is applied. This doesn’t work in your favor when considering armor placed on your Champions, but it is helpful to keep in mind when an enemy has a huge pile of armor protecting them. Sometimes it’s best to hold off on using your attacks until they’ll actually hurt their health total; you just have to wait until the next turn when that armor melts away. [b]Provoke[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42230266/9523f2d7cade3fe8566e68a67d18efec099a4e6e.png[/img] We wrote before about how to tell which Champions your enemies will prioritize attacking [insert link to that post]. Well, Provoke will throw all that out the window. When you Provoke an enemy, it forces them to prioritize the Champion who Provoked them! There’s one caveat, however. If they cannot reach the Champion who provoked them for some reason, they will go for another of your Champions instead. [b]Cripple[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42230266/79695244135e593fadf3a3cf41ebc13354cb76e2.gif[/img] If a character is inflicted with Crippled, that means their movement is restricted only to one tile. This effect only lasts one turn unless it’s reapplied, but even one turn with such limited movement can be a huge hindrance! [b]Vulnerable[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42230266/046828184e40f239e7965762b6b367e9dffc99ee.png[/img] If a character is Vulnerable, it means they will receive 50% more damage from attacks. This affliction also only lasts one turn, but it can be absolutely devastating if applied at the beginning of a sequence of attacks. [b]Weak[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42230266/37ea1b8c47fdd0e3948bbf1de7daaca63c1c6668.png[/img] Weak lasts only for one turn, but it really takes the bite out of a character’s attacks. It reduces damage done by that character’s attacks by a third, making them frustratingly weak (if they’re one of your Champions) or gloriously ineffective (if it’s one of your enemies). [b]Knockback[/b] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42230266/473e6c6c39c01369e8c9d0f1b7e3e1de3a9c94e4.gif[/img] Ok, so Knockback is more of an ability than an effect, but it’s a pretty handy way to hurt a bad guy (or for a bad guy to hurt you)! A character using a Knockback ability will move their victim a set number of squares in a single direction as well as do whatever damage goes along with that ability. However, if the victim hits any obstruction—including another character—they will receive an extra 5 damage. (If they hit a character, it also harms that other character!)