When you win a fight, you get the option to collect your rewards. Hooray! There’s no real reason to reject gold, but sometimes the cards you’re offered don’t synergize with the deck you’re building, and you don’t want to muddy up your so far perfectly curated hands with stuff that doesn’t really fit.
No problem! You can select which of the rewards you want and leave the others behind!
First, claim the gold, because there’s really no reason not to.
Then, mouse over any Relics to see what they do to decide if you want them. If you do, click to keep them. If not, leave them be.
Then, click the card option and see what’s on the table. If you like one of the options, great! Click to claim it and you’re good to go. But if none of the choices look good? Hit the back button to return to the rewards screen and go ahead and hit “proceed” on the bottom right. It’ll give you a little warning message and make you hit the button again (which now says “skip”) and you’ll leave behind anything that remains on the rewards board.
It might seem counter intuitive to reject a free gift at first, but Sigil is all about synergy, and cards that don’t fit your playstyle will just end up getting in the way down the line and make it less likely that you’ll be able to draw that clutch card right when you need it.
P.S. This also works for the Treasures locations that you can visit on the map!