Sometimes, you'll encounter Wound and Junk cards.
Both cards are undesirable and do not benefit you in any way, which means they basically just take up precious space in your hand where you’d rather have attack or defenses to engage in instead.
Wounds are unplayable. This means, obviously, that you really can’t do much at all but be angry you got unlucky enough to draw one. However, you may notice that the Wound card still has a cost of 2 Mana.
If you can’t play Wounds, why do they have a mana cost?
This is because placing cards in the Card Rack does not count as playing them, so it’s always an option to pay that mana cost once in order get them out of your hand and deck by placing them there.
Junk cards, however, [i]are[/i] playable.
They still do nothing, but you can remove them from your hand or deck for the rest of the match by playing them one time. They’ll be back in your deck the next time you enter into battle, but at least you can pay to get rid of them for a little while.
Remember that when you visit the Shop, you have the opportunity to get rid of cards, so you can permanently remove these nuisances there if you have the gold for it!