Gameplay Guides - Issue #7: Enemies Don’t Keep Secrets (Part 1)

Enemies in Sigil are smart, but not smart enough to keep their plans to themselves! If you click that pretty blue button to the right of the map, you’ll be able to see in what order the bad guys will attack or use their abilities. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42230266/6aa27afa7307363292358ac0d6df2e0a5d80d29d.png[/img] Not only that, but you can see *who* they plan to attack as well! Mousing over an enemy will show you their attack preference with a very clear 1, 2, and 3 written across your Champions. If they can’t hit their first target, they’ll aim for the second and so on. If *everyone* is out of their range, they’ll simply reposition themselves and their attack is otherwise wasted. An astute observer might also notice that mousing over an enemy shows an ability card over to the left as well. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42230266/c66c06c5a0858e439912024f01f33acb2130a419.png[/img] This is the enemy’s next attack. Use this knowledge along with their attack preferences to protect your most vulnerable Champions however you can, whether that’s repositioning them out of range, loading them up with armor, or taking advantage of environmental factors. Another important detail about enemies can be learned by clicking on them. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42230266/7cc13352a354c787abebe362f48dc2a56238e795.gif[/img] The green squares are the areas the enemy can physically move. The red squares are the areas they are able to attack beyond their movement range. (Of course they can also attack anyone who stands within their movement range as well!) This can be very helpful when you’re trying to position your enemies out of reach of a powerful enemy attack.