Full-Screen Fix

Endless Universe 2 PC Live Wallpaper

Procedural Generated worlds where you are not alone! Create your spaceship, explore and be ready for the battles! The most advanced PC live wallpaper for Windows 10 in the universe! Do you want to try?

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/33931355/b7977f166baef294c5d139d487f42a90ff626840.jpg[/img] Hello, One of the users reported a problem with extending the wallpaper to the entire screen which sometimes could appear in the window. Thanks to his information (unfortunately, negative feedback), we could quickly repair the fault. You thank him for it. If someone sees other problems, please report them in advance. They are almost always easy to fix. Not many do such projects so it is not easy ;) Thank you all. 3DM