
Kim is a boisterous urchin from 1880s Lahore, his wanderlust will take him all over India. Branching conversations, survival, stealth and combat let you play Kim's coming of age however you choose. The enormous open world of Kipling's India awaits you!

[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/11620100/b97188286dc1aff276838f71a336fdd8487be8ab.png[/img] Kim is officially complete! Our little team has been working on it together for nearly two years. It's been a fantastic project and we are very grateful to everyone, who has supported us along the way by buying the game or spreading the word - we couldn't have done it without you! This update is focused on tying up loose ends and making little improvements to streamline the experience. We’ve been playing the game a lot so we’re confident it’s in good shape! Don't miss Kim's official trailer, released last week; you can watch it and check out our latest screenshots on the store page. We will continue supporting Kim long into the future and we love hearing from players so if you have any questions or feedback, drop us a line in the forum or on social media and we'll get back to you as soon as we can: http://steamcommunity.com/app/433400/discussions/ https://twitter.com/SecretGamesCo https://www.facebook.com/SecretGamesCo/ Changelist v0.13.0 -> v1.0 New Stuff - Containers now have a grey version of their icon when empty and temples have a grey icon if Kim doesn’t have the right outfit to enter them - Speech bubbles animate on mouseover and click and map icons scale up on mouseover - New system for controlling entering and exiting buildings to ensure Kim uses correct entrances - A few new sounds for animations and effects added later in development and a full polish pass on all existing sounds and overall audio balance - The time remaining, displayed in Kim’s suitcase, now shows an hourly countdown on the final day Changes - Each book can now only be read once and they stack in your inventory and are not deleted when Kim finishes them - Significant optimization to a number of processes to reduce lag spikes and increase frame rate - If Kim owns the correct outfit to enter a temple but is not wearing it, he can enter and as he enters, he will change into the correct outfit - Kim will not get hungry so soon after staying in institutions - Pathfinding logic adjusted to prevent characters walking too close to buildings - Combat mode no longer turns on automatically under any circumstances - NPCs sitting at campfires can now be selected to open their panel - Pathfinding and view cone colliders for houses and vegetation updated for improved pathfinding and neatness - The slider on the fast travel panel lists destinations in geographic order and also scrolls faster - Trains depart a little quicker - Taking special outfits on and off will not trigger notifications - Similar objectives have been grouped into the same mission to tidy up Kim’s notebook - Effects determining an NPC’s opinion of Kim are now sorted by size - Kim will now sleep in any of the tents in a campsite or serai - Building icons on map made slightly smaller - Building button on map now hides objective icons for neatness - Kim’s reloading icon is a bit bigger so you can see him better through it - Special characters' homes now use a different icon from random houses - Town colliders polished - Various UI screens tidied up - Lots of conversations tweaked Bug Fixes - Kim will never be unable to enter a temple if he has the correct outfit - Kim will never get interrupted going to sleep by an NPC blocking his way or other obstacles - NPCs will always show their speech bubble at the correct time if Kim enters the level next to them - First Day info panel will not appear more than once - View cone offset removed so that they are an exact indicator of what an NPC can see - The ruin in Lucknow no longer casts a strange shadow - Kim always exits sleep locations properly when he wakes up - Events meant to occur in multiple locations will now occur in all of them - Reset button in Options now resets view cone quality as well - Travelling to and from Dehra Dun no longer produces incorrect travel effects - Compass effect no longer displayed when using roads - NPCs now flee correctly after conversations in which Kim intimidates them - NPCs in combat will not insult Kim or comment on his low stats - Objective labels on the map always appear over the objective icon - Warrants button won’t remain lit after it is no longer selected - Kim’s icon on the map will not appear over an objective label - HUD hit boxes adjusted to better fit buttons - Muzzle flashes positioned exactly on end of gun - Kim will never lower his gun before firing - House lights will gently fade up and down in towns and the countryside - Music will never pause for a moment as the game loads - Travellers will not spawn facing the wrong direction - Invisible horserider fixed - Thieves cannot look around when the game is paused - Fleeing thieves will not disappear if their exit is blocked