Ladies and gentleman, this one’s a whopper! Update 9 is brimming with improvements and additions to combat, items and institutions. Check out the full list below, I’m just going to highlight the biggest mechanical change: a death’s door reprieve that we’re calling ‘last legs’. If Kim’s health is reduced to zero, he no longer collapses, instead he’s on his last legs and the game pauses giving you a chance to improve Kim’s health with medicine or food. Kim remains on his last legs until his health gets back up to 30; while in this state, he will collapse if his health hits zero again so be careful, especially if you’re playing with permadeath!
v0.8.0 -> v0.9.0
New Stuff
- 'Last legs' is a new state that Kim can enter, it's triggered when his health reaches 0 unless he is already on his last legs, in which case he will collapse as usual. When it's triggered the game will pause to give you a chance to take medicine - getting Kim's health back up to 30+ will turn off last legs
- Four new items have been added, three are outfits that grant stat buffs and the fourth is a rucksack that increases the weight Kim can carry without becoming encumbered
- Two new institutions have been added, the house of a Hill Raja with a penchant for antique guns in Dehra Dun and a poorhouse that accepts donations of food in Peshawur
- If Kim has a ranged weapon equipped, attack icons display the percentage chance of a shot hitting the target
- The weapon system and all weapon stats have been overhauled to make Kim's stats have a larger impact on the damage he can deal
- Dynamic item info has been added to all weapon and lock pick items, instead of showing base values, it shows values that consider Kim's current stats
- When Kim is in stealth mode, NPCs will take a period of time to notice him based on his current Stealth stat
- Changing outfit will no longer stop policemen from recognising Kim, warrant info has been simplified as a result
- If Kim starts a journey in stealth or combat mode, he will arrive at his destination in the same mode (in case you want to arrive in stealth mode to avoid policemen or thugs)
- Stations now allow travel to all other town stations on the map
- Strength has twice as big an effect on damage resistance as it did before
- Traits affecting NPC health have been rebalanced to make NPCs have slightly less health on average
- The building icon map overlay has been updated to include all institutions
- The travel line on the map has been updated to better explain what type of journey Kim has made
- A short pause has been added before an info panel can be dismissed to prevent them getting closed by accident
- Policemen will not insult Kim even if they have a low opinion of him
- Left Ctrl keyboard commands now also work with the right Ctrl button
- Various art assets and UI elements have been polished
- Numerous conversations have been updated
Bug Fixes
- Kim will always prepare weapon before attacking
- Slow frame rate in stealth mode fixed
- Station colliders updated to stop NPCs spawning inside them
- NPCs always un-aggro when Kim goes to prison
- The screen fade at the start of the game can no longer be dismissed early
- You can now use the mouse wheel to scroll through destinations on station and stable travel panels
- You can zoom in and out when the game is paused
- Penalty from sleeping outside in the rain is always applied
- Lag when exiting combat mode fixed
- House lights cannot spawn too far from their house
- Kim's shadow when in stealth mode follows his sprite's movements
- NPCs in temples no longer visible
- Icons belonging to NPCs sleeping in buildings will never appear
- Thieves will not continue hitting Kim after he is dead
- Recovery time is no longer displayed on the merit panel if the game is in permadeath mode
- Weapon particles will pause when the game is paused
- Show HUD button will not unpause game
- Lanterns carried by policemen go out if they are killed
- Guards can no longer spawn without any legs