Update #10: Path to Justice


Kim is a boisterous urchin from 1880s Lahore, his wanderlust will take him all over India. Branching conversations, survival, stealth and combat let you play Kim's coming of age however you choose. The enormous open world of Kipling's India awaits you!

[img]http://cdn.edgecast.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/11620100/d52f76473bb576ff433b98e0032e66813813bd5b.png[/img] Since adding the new combat features last update, we kept getting in trouble with the police! This time, we've focused on updating the police system to make those bothersome blue blighters a bit smarter. They will notice NPCs being aggressive and have a nasty habit of finding out what Kim’s been up to behind their back and reacting accordingly. We've overhauled our pathfinding system so man and beast alike are doing a much better job of not walking into stuff. Also, to make time a more valuable resource, games are now 30% shorter (but there is still Endless Mode if you want to continue your playthrough) - let us know what you think here! http://steamcommunity.com/app/433400/discussions/ https://twitter.com/SecretGamesCo https://www.facebook.com/SecretGamesCo/ Changelist v0.9.0 -> v0.10.0 New Stuff - We’ve implemented Aron Granberg’s A* pathfinding system to improve characters’ path selection and local avoidance. Aron was really helpful, we recommend it! - Updates to the police system make policemen react to aggressive behaviour from any character in their line of sight and ensures those killed in action are replaced - NPCs have a new head turn animation for more realistic looking around - New assets and animation for hiding and showing the HUD Changes - To make the challenge of how to earn the highest scores more interesting, we’ve made Kim 15 years old when the game begins so a playthrough lasts 1000 instead of 1480 days - Kim’s merit has half the effect on NPCs’ opinion of him (every 200 merit grants +1 opinion) - To ensure a fair contest on the leaderboards, as a result of the above two changes, we have deleted some scores, sorry to anyone who lost theirs! We have more balance changes coming next update so watch this space! - Towns’ colliders have been updated to have more consistent walls and alleys to hide in - The travel line on the map has been redesigned to look neater - Kim now respawns outside the police station of the arresting officer after going to prison - NPCs only have a chance to insult Kim if their opinion of him is less than 40 (this rises as opinion drops) - The ‘One Year Left’ panel has been replaced by the ‘Six Months Left’ panel - If Kim is on his last legs, a notification is displayed at the top of the Health panel - It is easier to enter countryside buildings such as campsites and stables - Various conversations and UI elements have been polished Bug Fixes - The train will allows follow its track exactly - Tutorial arrows are all the same size - Tutorial sleep location will always be Mahbub’s stable - A target icon cannot remain on screen after combat mode is switched off - Thieves will always enter the level immediately - Blurry map text fixed - Building icons on the map are never pixelated - Warrant info displays at the correct size