In the words of the lama, Kim's faithful friend, this is for the "brawlers and swashbucklers" among us! We had some feedback from the community that certain combat missions weren't playing as smoothly as intended so we investigated and discovered a couple issues that we wanted to address.
Our main focus has been to make it easier to plan attacks with the game paused and then unpause to let them play out. We've also tweaked how Kim behaves when he takes multiple hits in quick succession.
We discovered some inconsistencies between how line of sight was calculated for Kim and for enemies so we have updated this system so both use the same rules. Systemic changes like these require a lot of testing but we're now confident that you'll find the life of a highwayman on the Grand Trunk Road an altogether more enjoyable one!
We always appreciate input from our players, especially when it helps to make Kim better as in this case, please keep it coming! For feedback or simply to say hi, you can reach us in the forums or on Twitter or Facebook:
v1.3 -> v1.4.1
- Updated system for storing attack orders issued with the game paused
- New stun logic that preserves previous attack target irrespective of number of hits received
- Unified line of sight system applicable to both Kim and enemies to ensure that if they can hit you, you can hit them!
- Various minor tweaks and optimisations to combat