Expanded on the Tutorial System! More QoL changes!

De'Vine: Heavenly Acres

Welcome to your farm on Heavenly Acres! Farmland that presents many opportunities. Harvest trees & plants. Grow Crops. Romance with other misfits. Collect up to 200 unique monsters and compete with monster battles! Indulge in the underground for buried treasure and dangerous monsters!

Hey YO everyone! Stapleton here. [h2]Expanded Tutorial System![/h2] Latest patch adds an expanded tutorial system in the form of POPUP tips about certain things in the game when you interact with said things! - If you are like me and like to bypass tutorials, fear not! Simply turning off the tutorial in Menu::System Options::General tab will seize all tutorial popups! - To manually pop these up for more information, go to the Informational Tab in the System Options! - These prompts give at MOST 5 descriptive values about the mechanic or system at hand. [h2]QoL changes[/h2] A swath number of QoL changes in this patch including: - Utilizing Farm Inventory WHILE crafting! - Disabled monster invasion and insect swarm to new characters less than 5 days old. - 2 Recipes are now rewarded to you per achievement completed! - Current Renown and Karma is listed in the Player tab in the Main Menu! - Grass tile can now remove TILLED land! - Crops are better checked for if they are watered when zoning in! - Speed at which one crafts in crafting is sped up by 4X! FOUR TIMES FASTER! And of course a number of technical issues have been addressed. - Fishfest incidentally saying Day of Resurrection! and not rewarding you. - A storage bug. - Story quest sometimes vanished. - and a # of other issues. Thank you guys for your continued interest! - Stapleton