Early Access Build 4

Quick Draw

Prove you have the fastest hands in the West with this high-speed virtual reality game. Practice your skills, challenge your friends, and prove your worth as the Sheriff of town by defending it from ruffians.

Hey everyone! This build brings a new animated revolver as well as a new aspect to the gameplay: reload time. As entertaining as rapid-fire blasting target while instantly reloading can be, the real skill in quick drawing comes from your accuracy. Obviously this will skew some of the current leaderboard scores so a compromise was decided. I ran through a few time trials with the new reloading mechanic in and managed to score about 20 seconds. Thus, any scores better than 20 seconds on the leaderboard I have removed. Those of you who were on top now have the opportunity to show your skills once more and prove to everyone you [i]earned[/i] your spot. [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [list] [*]New animated revolver! [*]Reloading now takes up time. Aim wisely. [*]Cleared leaderboard of scores better than 20 due to reloading mechanic. [*]Increase height of in-game updates view. [*]Revolver will no longer fire when using the pointer. [*]Added new "Draw!" voices. [*]Tweaked hitbox on AI to better cover head region. [*]Guns now holster on trigger pull if you are touching the holster. [*]Fixed issue where Tutorial would skip certain steps. [/list] Thanks! -Danny