The Launch of Multiplayer!

Quick Draw

Prove you have the fastest hands in the West with this high-speed virtual reality game. Practice your skills, challenge your friends, and prove your worth as the Sheriff of town by defending it from ruffians.

Happy New Year Everyone! I am pleased to announce that the Online Duel portion of Quick Draw is live! Thank you to all of those who helped with the testing process. It has been really exciting seeing everything come together and I hope you all enjoy it. [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [list] [*]New Online Duel Mode! [*]Host private or public matches. [*]VoIP in multiplayer matches. [*]New ammo count indicator that doesn't look butt. [*]Added Oculus Rift with Touch support. [*]Added in-game menu to easily control game modes. [*]Added new bullet ricochet sound. [/list] Multiplayer works like this. You can host a game (either private or public) from the main menu. A public game will add your lobby to the queue of available games that people join via the Find Game button. A private game will provide you with an invite code you can give to friends so that they can directly join your server. If you run into any problems or bugs while playing, please report them [url=]here[/url]. It is becoming apparent that the multiplayer community in VR is still fragmented, so I am working on ways to make multiplayer accessible still. The next mode I am working on is a player "ghost" that others can challenge. This would avoid the need of having two players connected at the same time. This mode will take place in a Saloon with some all new environment art so stay tuned! The next major update will include this final core game mode. This does [b]NOT[/b] mean that updates will stop! I will still be releasing [b]FREE[/b] content updates and supporting new VR systems as they release. As such, I am transitioning the game out of the early access stage and into a fully-released game and raising the price of the game to its final cost ([strike]but don't worry, there is a launch discount so grab the game for 20% off while you can![/strike] I cannot run a discount yet, but will once I can in February). Thank you for your support and your patience! -Danny