Quick Draw Launches at 10 AM PST!

Quick Draw

Prove you have the fastest hands in the West with this high-speed virtual reality game. Practice your skills, challenge your friends, and prove your worth as the Sheriff of town by defending it from ruffians.

Hey everyone! I am really excited to announce that Quick Draw will be releasing at 10 AM PST later today (9/19/2016). This game has been a one-man operation that has taken the last couple of months to flesh out. I hope you all enjoy playing it as much as I have enjoyed making it. The game is launching with three modes: [b]Defend the Town[/b] (1v1 dueling against AI), [b]Free Draw Time Trials[/b] (timed target trials where you can look at the target), and [b]Blind Time Trials[/b] (timed target trials where you must start without looking). I have spent the last few weeks tweaking these modes and I think it is time for them to be played out there in the wild. Looking for more? Fear not! I intend on launching a multiplayer duel mode in the next couple of weeks so that you can challenge your friends to duels (if you have any interest in helping me test multiplayer builds, email me at danny@pwmgames.com). Following that, there will be a new singleplayer scenario that is designed to test your friend/foe detection skills. I have also been toying with various other skill-based trials. If anybody has any questions regarding the game or development, feel free to ask here in the forums and I will do my best to respond to you as quickly as possible. If you run into a bug, please report it in the [url=http://steamcommunity.com/app/522250/discussions/1/]Bug Reports forum[/url] as well so I can deal with it as efficiently as possible. Thank you for your interest in Quick Draw and I look forward to what the future brings! -Danny