Early Access Build 3

Quick Draw

Prove you have the fastest hands in the West with this high-speed virtual reality game. Practice your skills, challenge your friends, and prove your worth as the Sheriff of town by defending it from ruffians.

New build tonight to incorporate some of the latest feedback that I found important. Definitely should make the game easier to get into and understand. [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [list] [*] New Tutorial sequence on first run. Also available from menu. [*] New announcer voice that isn't my own (phew..thank goodness) [*] You can now pick up your pistol with the trigger or grip. [*] Menu Crates can now be interacted with the pointer. [*] The pointer no longer clips through menus. [*] Updated holster logic so the guns don't rotate with the camera. The result is an easier/faster draw-ability. [/list] Thank you! -Danny