New Game Mode & Interface

Quick Draw

Prove you have the fastest hands in the West with this high-speed virtual reality game. Practice your skills, challenge your friends, and prove your worth as the Sheriff of town by defending it from ruffians.

Hello! The release of this week's multiplayer update has made me realize that the game's menu needed some serious work. So I spent the last day redesigning the main menu to something much cleaner and easier to expand upon. After spending some time hosting a few public games it became clear to me that the host should have something to do while waiting for another player. I added a variety of respawning targets so hosts can practice their shots while waiting for opponents. I have also broken this "Target Practice" out into a separate mode selectable from the menu. I am also releasing a brand new game mode I have been tinkering with called "Bomb Defusal". It is a mode built to challenge your precision and speed. Each round spawns a pile of bombs with a detonator in the middle. You must shoot the detonator without hitting the bombs to stop everything from exploding. [h1]Patch Notes[/h1] [list] [*]Brand new big boy menu interface. [*]While waiting for players to join a game, the host now has targets to shoot. [*]Rumble can now be properly disabled. [*]New Mode: Target Practice. [*]New Mode: Bomb Defusal. [*]New Leaderboard: Bomb Defusal. [/list] You are all the best! -Danny